Chapter 16 : Disadvantage

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“As I said before, you can’t win against me!!” Sweetie charged up her right paw with purple energy. She then grinned and teleported behind Marshall, then threw a supercharged energy punch at him...

An explosion was made on the middle of the road on the bridge. The road then started cracking by the explosion as well. 

“ an instant.” Sweetie smirked. However, once the smoke cleared, she found out that her paw got caught by Marshall’s paw. “W-What...?” 

“Heh, is that all you’ve got...?” Marshall smirked back, then threw a heat punch at Sweetie. Sweetie quickly teleported out of the way. 

Sweetie then tried teleporting behind Marshall again. But as she did that, a paw hit on her face and sent her crashing on the road heavily. 

Sweetie was stunned at what just happened. She grunted, then got up slowly. “How did y-“ Before Sweetie could finish, Marshall then launched many heat blasts at her, not allowing her a chance to talk. 

Sweetie got enraged by this and fired many purple energy blasts back towards the heat blasts. But still, Marshall kept launching heat blasts at Sweetie without stopping. 

“Urgh...this is getting annoying!!” Sweetie had enough of this and teleported herself in front of Marshall. She then created dual wielding energy swords and tried to slash Marshall, but Marshall simply dodged all of Sweetie’s slashes by just sidestepping aside. This angered Sweetie even more. 

Sweetie snarled in anger: “Just...stay still...and die why won’t you?!” She then attempted to slash him again, but Marshall dodged again and blasted Sweetie’s face with a heat blast, knocking the energy swords out of her paws and launched her afar. 

Sweetie then launched herself above to the air and tied Marshall’s left paw with her purple energy rope. “Uh oh.” Marshall muttered. She then dragged Marshall and tried slamming him down on the road, but instead Marshall grabbed her energy rope and used it as his weapon, then dragged Sweetie back to his side and slammed her down on the road. 

“You...cunning little, using my rope as your weapon...” Sweetie groaned. As Marshall got in front of her, he replied: “Well, now I’ve got you Sweetie.” 

Sweetie then tried teleporting from behind him and land a punch on him again, but Marshall swiftly grabbed her leg with his paw and slammed her on the road again. 

Marshall then remembered his lesson with Farmer Yumi: “Focus every bit of your power into a single part of your body...” He then concentrated all of his heat powers into his right paw and punched Sweetie in the gut. 

The force of Marshall’s punch destroyed the entire road of the bridge and sent Sweetie crashing through the bridge and headed towards the sea. Sweetie groaned in agony. 

Marshall then charged up his right paw again with his heat powers, then launched a massive heat blast at Sweetie, blasting her into the sea hard and caused another huge explosion. As Sweetie crashed into the sea, the collision caused a giant splash and huge waves coming out as well. 

Marshall then shouted: “Hah, serves you right for hurting Sk-“ He suddenly realised that the whole bridge started collapsing, due to his devastating punch earlier. “Oh crud...I forgot.” Marshall then tried to escape, but it was too late. 

The bridge then collapsed on the sea heavily. Marshall fell into the sea as well. As a result, the entire bridge was destroyed.

Just then, Rocky was about to get back to the lookout. He then found out the bridge had disappeared. “Oh my god, are you serious?! Who could have done this?! Now how am I going to get back...?” Rocky thought. “Wait, I’ve an idea.” 

Paw Patrol : Mighty Pups AU (Skarshall AU) / EpicVerse S1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin