The Service

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A white church with an olive green steeple stood in the center of a large parking lot. Greenery as far as the eye could see bordered the church, giving it a pastoral touch. A billowing sign at the entrance of the church advertised the name of a girl and an organization sponsoring her. Showing that half the population of the town was parked outside, the girl's reputation was indeed supported.

Inside the chapel, a large congregation, made up of men, women, and children - practically of every race - sat in the pews listening to the girl's mother finish a heartwarming story. "And, that was my favorite memory of Sara. Before this evening is closed, Ben Keating, who I'm sure most of you know, would like to conclude the whole gathering with a biography put together by himself and Sara's sister, Bethany, as well as share a story and a video. Again, thank you all for joining us this afternoon and evening." The plump, but jovial, woman stepped down the platform where she joined her husband in the first row.

When the audience had settled, a tall boy with a long face, puckered lips, and crescent eyes, stepped up to a humble podium. His hands trembled, making the paper between his fingers flutter. He smoothed it out on the stand's flat surface and looked out at the congregation. He cleared his throat and loosened his collar. Despite his anxiety, he was able to address the crowd in a strong, baritone English accent.

"Good evening, everyone. If I haven't met you before, my name is Benny Keating, or Ben Keating. Anyway, I was asked to open the service with a biography on this beautiful woman we honour here today. She's in the hospital as we speak, but, her parents wanted to raise some money to support her disease, as the treatment has been unkind to their financial state. Anyway, enough of my rabbling." The young Keating cleared his throat again and began poetically reading from his composition.

"Spirited, thoughtful, and determined. Those are just a few words that describe twenty-three year old Sara Dawson. A three-time winner of the North Carolina Cycling Competition, Sara earned herself the name, 'The Cyclist,' as well as national recognition. She's a native from Canada, but in her pre-teens, her family moved to North Carolina on account that her father, Thomas Dawson, accepted a contract. Sara's mother, Andie Hawking Dawson, currently owns a seamstress shop in down-town Winston-Salem, as well as homeschools Sara and her younger sister, Bethany.

Growing up in the Dawson house was never short of excitement-someone always had a humorous story to share around the dinner table or an awkward encounter they were thrown into. A few of many family favorites was the story about how two bratty children challenged a six year-old Sara in a tricycle race. Sara accepted the challenge willingly. She always had a competitive spirit, but managed to disguise it under her charming smile and no-nonsense persona. The other two competitors sped off violently on their three-wheeled toy, leaving Sara two yards behind.

Sara didn't give up, though. She threw all her vigor into her legs and pumped as hard as she could. It wasn't long before she caught up with the other two, and by then, they had tired themselves out. I was told that Sara threw her head back, let out a childish squeal, and peddled victoriously past the fire hydrant, which had been dubbed as their finish line. It was right after that race Sara grew up to graduate from three wheels to two; and at the age fourteen, Sara won her city's title as 'Best Female Bike Racer of 2001'. After the 2001 slam, Sara entered in the triad competition and then the state. She won both with flying colors.

As remembered by one of the judges at the 2003 Triad race, Billy Goodman described Sara in these words, "Ms. Sara Dawson is a born fighter. She takes control of the entire track and people can't take their eyes off of her. With her sporty and confident attitude, she wins the hearts of many people, not just her fans. But what separates her from the rest, is that she's humble, gracious, and an all-around amazing sportswoman. We are proud to have her on this track. And we congratulate her on her win."

Sara had a heart of gold and her appearance showed it. With her playful, freckled face, dark fine hair, and soulful eyes, Sara attracted many suitors. However, when asked if she seeing anyone, she replied through a soft laugh, "I don't really look for 'the one.' I believe that God has made someone perfect for me, so, I'm willing to wait." After that response, she became an icon for young, aspiring females, and not just in the Christian community, but to those who just desired a down-to-earth role model.

The young Dawson skyrocketed to fame in 2006 when an aggressive biker bumped her off the track, causing her bike to hit a dip and flip over. However, in a calm, but persistent manner, Sara mounted her bike and returned to the tracks. The crowds that day exploded into a roar and chanted her name until the end of the race. She came in a strong second, and though the other biker wasn't fairly penalized, the crowds still cheered for Sara."

Ben Keating pulled his eyes up from the paper and looked out at the crowd. "It's 6:00, we can break for dinner. And we'll return at 8:00." His spidery fingers drummed the podium once before he stepped down and joined Sara's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Dawson greeted him with tears and pulled him in for an embrace. Mrs. Dawson broke from the hug, dabbed away the moisture from her eyes, and said through a quiet smile, "Would you like to see her? The doctors said she'll be going to sleep at 7:00, but said we were welcome to stop by if we'd like."

Ben Keating's face lit up and nodded his head agreeably. "Yes, I would love to see her."

The Cyclist [ChickLit 2013]Where stories live. Discover now