Chapter 16

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Class had ended and we were heading to the Great Hall for dinner with Harry, Ron and Draco running ahead muttering something about being so hungry they could eat a dragon. Hermione, Aroura and I simply walked as slowly as possible to see if they were hungry enough to leave us behind. When the boys got to the doors that lead back into the castle they turned around to see how far away we were.

Hurry up you slow pokes. Ron whined at the fact that we were taking forever.

I dont know guys, its such a lovely evening that I would hate to miss this scene. Dont you agree Hermione?

Oh definitely. What do you say Aroura, care to stop and smell the flowers?

I thought you would never ask. We chuckled as the boys groaned and walked back to us. We were expecting them to wait with us. What we werent expecting was to be thrown over their shoulders and carried to the castle. Draco had grabbed me by the waist and thrown me over his shoulder so my ass was in the air and my face was in his back. I looked up and saw Ron carrying Hermione and Harry carrying Aroura. I started laughing because Draco realized that my skirt was ridding up and had put his hand up to hold it down.

You know I can walk right?

Well, you guys were taking way to long. This way is faster. I chuckled but couldnt ignore the fact that my heart was racing and I had thousands of butterflies in my stomach. I was expecting to be put down when we reached the doors to the castle like the other two girls had but was surprised when Draco continued to walk with me over his shoulder. The other kids were staring at us, and my friends had run to catch up with the two of us.

Having fun up there Y/N?

Shut up Potter. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ginny, Arabella, Cedric and the twins approaching.

What is going on here?

The girls wanted to take forever to walk back from care of magical creatures so Draco, Ron and I picked them up and put them over our shoulders however, Malfoy here doesnt want to put his girlfriend down.

Ya comfortable nugget?

Like I told harry, Shut up. I couldnt help the blush that spread through my cheeks.

Thats not fair. I want to be carried again. Ron, pick me up. Before I knew it one of the guys were carrying a girl like Draco was carrying me. Ron was carrying Hermione, Harry was carrying Ginny, Cedric was carrying Aroura and the twins had put Arabella on their shoulders like she had just won the Quidditch match. We walked through the doors to the great hall and over to the Gryffindor table where we saw Neville and Luna waiting for us with amusement spread across their faces. The boys placed us in our seats before taking their own.

Well, thats an interesting way to get to dinner.

Ill say. I cant feel my legs anymore. Everyone laughed at that. Suddenly I remembered something Harry said earlier about me being Dracos girlfriend and I also realized he didnt deny it.

Draco, can I talk to you about something later?

Why not talk about it now?

Well Im not sure how comfortable with open feelings you are and I dont want to upset you with my question.

Darling, I wont get upset. Whats your question? By this point everyone was looking at us, waiting for the drama to start. I decided to whisper my question into his ear instead.

Why didnt you deny it when Harry said I was your girlfriend? Dracos eyes widened before he smirked and asked where everyone could hear.

Why didnt you deny being my girlfriend? A collective ohs broke out across the table from our friends. I didnt know how to answer, and words were no longer forming in my head, so I just blushed and shrugged my shoulders.

Do you not want to be my girlfriend? I quickly whipped my head in Dracos direction to see a worried look on his face.

I do. I just didnt think you saw me as more than a friend, I know I saw you as more than a friend I mean how could I not your hot and kind, you stick up for me and you get a long well with my friends. I just thought I was way out of your- Suddenly my rambling was cut off by Dracos lips being placed on mine. My eyes widened in surprise before I closed them and kissed him back. Despite what people might think, his lips were soft and fit perfectly against mine. We only stopped when air became a need but Draco rested his forehead against mine before giving me a quick kiss on my head.

So Does this mean Y/N is off the table now? Freds joke quickly broke any tension that was at the table while we all laughed.

Back off Weasley. Shes mine. Draco chuckled before putting his arm around my shoulder while I rested into his side.

Ew dude not for me, that would be gross cause shes like a sister to me, but I do know that some guys have been crushing hard for our little Hufflepuff.

Then Ill just have to make sure everyone knows shes mine.

Oh dude, Draco dont do another one of your speeches.

Hey, I thought his speech last year was sweet.

Thats cause youre a hopeless romantic

Arabella that is not something youre supposed to share with everyone. I blushed while everyone laughed at my embarrassment.

Oh, hunny it wasnt a secret. Youve been crushing on Draco since he gave his speech last year.

Thats it. Im never telling any of you anything ever again. I jokingly pouted before laughing with everyone else. We were finishing dinner and chatting when we heard a voice behind us.

Aw look guys, Mrs. piggy is eating a salad. She must have gotten stuck in the hallways and realized we were right about her needing to lose weight. The girl who I had found out was named Pansy Parkinson said.

Aw look guys, pug-face is having a hard day and needs to bring others down to make herself feel better. Hermione sneered while Pansy simply glared at her.

Do you always let little mudbloods fight your battles porky?

You no what bitch, Ive had it with you and your little insecure friends talking down to me and my friends simply because of our blood line or house. You need to learn that your not that fucking special and I really dont care about what you say about me from now on but if I hear you talking shit about my friends, my sister or my boyfriend again I will give you a new nose job for free. I quickly got up and in her face glaring daggers at her.

Walk. Away. Now. Bitch. She scoffed before turning on her heels and strutting away with her little minions close behind.

Damn girl that was totally bad ass.

Thanks I sighed and tried to put a smile on my face but what Pansy said really got to me.

*Mention of self harm ahead*

I felt the tingle in my legs and had the urge to run my pocket knife across my skin. We finished with dinner before heading to our common rooms. Draco had walked with me, Cedric, and Aroura before giving me a kiss on my cheek before heading to his own common room. The three of us walked inside but instead of sitting on the couch with Cedric and Aroura I mumbled about being tired before heading to my dorm. I walk inside and went straight to my bed and grabbed my knife. Instead of cutting my legs though I made three cuts on my stomach. I watched the blood flow for a minute or two before making two more cuts. I felt so much relief from the cool metal against my skin and the warm blood as it slowly trickled down from the cuts. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I just couldn't stop. I was so lost in the mixture of pain and relief I didnt hear the door open until it was too late.

Hey Y/N, Draco stopped by to tell you Y/N!

And that is chapter 16 guys. The next chapter is going to be dark and talk about abuse and self harm. If things like that upset you please skip that chapter. I'm sorry it took me so long to post this chapter but I was busy with school. I hope you guys are enjoying the story and please give me idea's as to what should happen in our third year. I still don't know if I'm going to kill Cedric in this story or not. I guess I'll figure it out when the time comes. Happy reading.

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