1: The Introduction

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It was a quiet day in the Slenderman mansion. As the usual would say, Jeff and Ben having their gaming competition, while EJ watch them. LJ playing with Sally, Hoodie and Masky arguing over a Cheesecake while Toby teases them. As I on the other hand just sit on the couch with EJ, reading a book.

At this time, I'm a noob to them, but Slender trained me very well as his proxy. I was given the name 'Dagger' for my abilities to make and use of daggers. It's my specialty, but what I'm special about me is that a demon cursed me to have these demonic eyes I was born with.

My parents didn't care for me, so when I grew old enough I left home and strive for myself. Though in my place, a human with red eyes were impossible to find, so I hide them using goggles. Not long, Slender found me. He said he knew me for a long time and kept on watching me since I was a child. A demon cursed me due to my parent's recklessness in the past. But slender told me I can go with him.

He cared for me and trained me apart from the others. It was about a year ago I was introduced to the others. I get along with anyone, but due to being shut my whole life, I never know how to mingle much with the others, even my fellow proxy's.  

They know me as Dagger, as my real name is Troy. Like every proxy I hide my face, with only a face mask and my goggles. I can only remove my goggles upon using my powers. The only downfall is that there is more power in me that I can't even imagine, even with Slender's training; I could never get to my full intent.

"No way, no fucking way, you beat me!?!?!" I heard Ben shout out. Hearing Bangs, Clanks and more shouts. I put down my book to see their mess. As usual, the table is upside down, the game console almost scratched, all wires tangled up on Ben and Jeff's legs and arms. Me and EJ just stared at them and both sighed.

"Don't you guys ever take a break? Plus Ben I think Jeff deserve that win. Since you cheat every time" Jack  said crossing his arms. I looked back to my book. I sensed that they looked at me.

"Dagger, will ya help me out here? Their ganging out on me!" Ben whined. I nodded in reply still looking at my book.

"Don't bother getting your way out with Dagger. His sense is same as mine. So better make up this mess or Slenders gonna be pissed" Jack added and I approve to that statement.

"Ha, pip squeak just accept it!" Jeff laughed

"No way in hell!"

Both men argued, the more it continued the more annoyed me and Jack was, so we left the scene. Truth is I like EJ out of all of them. He is quiet, understanding and actually a pretty nice guy. After some months, I guess he was the only one to get close to me. Like a best friend, we mostly hang out to.

"Want to catch a movie at my room instead. I think they also busted the T.V..." Jack said as we walked through the halls. I just nodded since I don't have anything good to do.

Jack picked a horror movie, the inner me smiled a little if he could only see my face. We watched in silence, after finishing the first one, Jack asked if it's okay if we stay up and watch some more. I agreed and watched the whole night with him. After a few hours I was getting a bit sleepy.

"Hey Dagger you alright?" I heard Jack ask and I shot myself back awake. I quietly nodded, kinda embarrassed that I was half asleep for a second there... Jack turned off the movie and shifted close to me.

"Why don't you lay low for a while" As he said that he pinned both my hands on the wall. I blushed a little to this position, even with his mask on I could feel his breath on my nose.

"J-Jack what are you doing?" I asked

"You know your almost quiet dense at times. That time with Ben was easy to sense but this?" He lowly chuckled and went near my ear.

"Every one of us has got quite a liking to you" his voiced rang on my ear. The room was quiet and I could only hear our breathes. I felt a warm hand on my stomach, I figured it was Jack's gloved hands.

"W-What the hell...are you talking about?" I let out. I was never in my life been touched like this.

"We didn't know what triggered it, but somehow it only effects me, Ben, Jeff and LJ. How weird is like that you have a scent that can attract us. I don't know about Sally, Masky, Hoodie and Toby though... But maybe" I could feel him smirk at my ear.

No...no no. Not them as well. Slender warned me that my powers also has this effect, it's weird that that demon decided to put a charm on me to attract males. I swear to hell I need to get out of his grip. I tried struggling but it was no good. Jack is much stronger than me!

"Ohhh, crying are we? You're making it more into the heat Dagger" Jack teased. This is one of the downfalls of my power. I tried using demons eye to order Jack to release me, but to no effect.

He has no damn eyes! Fuck!

"Don't even bother getting out, I've been waiting this moment ever since we became so close. Wasn't it that fun to play with us Dagger?" Jack said as he grips my arms tighter and his other going up my shirt. I was ready to yet surrender but we hears a bang on the door.

It was Toby.

Me and Jack looked at him, the inner me happily cheered as my outer remain in a poker face.

"A-Am I-I intruding s-something?" Toby stuttered ask. Jack loosen his grip on me and I pushed him off me.

"I-It was nothing Toby, lets  go" Taking one last look at Jack, I closed the door of his room and left with Toby.


Another story you say? If you're following me than yes.

Well you can say my mind is on a roll for some damn reason. 

Thats my drawing of Troy when made his 2nd character design. His first one was pretty sketchy so I had to change it.

Most parts may be a turn off but I can still  make this story possible.

Well I hope ye enjoy it :)

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