the talk with the principal

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I come out of hiding how did you know i was here

"Principal pov"
I know a lot of things he looks at (this isn't his real name) Mr a you can't let the school find out they well fire you and I can't let you go the kids love you

"Mr a pov"
I know but I've actually grown to like her please. The principal look at him fine but you can't let the kids know
He smiled thank you

"My pov"(I'm going to use a fake name for me and it going to be ayden)
I kiss him and he kisses back the principal said get a room I giggle Mr a put his arms around my waist can I at least tell my class they saw are messages

Principal pov(you well figure it out when I tell them note from writer)
Sure and you can have the day off and ayden your mom called she is going out of town so she was wondering if you could stay with a teacher and he looks at Mr a you are the perfect person for it OK I say and Mr a say ok

Pov Noone
When we got home Mr a cooked and I helped .I cut veggies and he cooked the chicken when we got done I start to talk and eat I went to get in the shower and Mr a joined me.

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