When Marnie Was there

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Far off from the salt marshes, Anna can't hear the gulls crying distantly or water lapping.

"I've been seeing you in my dreams again," she confesses, nodding when Marnie's hand tightens around hers. Black pine trees surround them as they carry on. The woods outside of the marsh house smell heavy. Thick with dampness. Anna wonders if it will rain soon.

Marnie thinks this over, creasing her lips.

"Do you love me?"

"Huh?" Anna breathes out, wide-eyed.

"In your dreams, do you love me?" Marnie beams, strolling over a mossy log. She grips both of Anna's hands to keep her upright when Anna stumbles, unable to look away from Marnie. "Do you hold me, and kiss me, and tell me the sweetest things only belonging to you and me?"

Anna gulps, her face flushing. She... she shouldn't...


"Oh, Anna." Marnie smiles, strong-hearted and sure, raising Anna's hands to cradle them against those flushed-pink cheeks. "I love you," she says, and Anna cannot help but feel enraptured by Marnie's assurance. "I told you... I love you than any other girl I've ever known."

With a little acknowledging nod, Anna murmurs, "You did."

She pulls back, embarrassed. Marnie pulls her in, giggling, pressing her tiny, soft lips once against Anna's brow.

"And I always will."

They discover a sunlit glade, lying out a sheet of pale periwinkle cloth to rest themselves on. Perhaps from Marnie's own bed. Marnie tosses pink rose-petals from her basket, into the air, at Anna, declaring that they need 'flowers! so many flowers!' for their picnic.

She uncorks a bottle, tipping a sparkling fizzy liquid into two glasses. Anna thinks it might be a champagne bottle. Might be.

Wild chanterelle mushrooms dipped in an already opened jar of honey... Marnie jubilantly chews, sniffing their orangish-golden caps. There's a moment of gentle encouragement while Marnie offers some. Anna braves a taste. Fresh apricots? Is that what that is?

High above the trees, the first drops of a summer's rain...


Anna trembles, yelling out through the storm blowing into Kissakibetsu, rattling windows, churning the sea waves keeping boats.

"Marnie, please! Marnie!"

She runs through bushes of gibōshi and red azaleas, starting to give into panic. Anna's lungs heave. Her inhaler...

Up in the field of sakuraso, hunching down, Marnie covers her ears as the thunder booms. The primroses sway. Anna grabs onto her wrists, furiously sobbing. "Don't ever leave me like that, Marnie!" she yells even louder, tears spilling. "How could you—I was all alone!"

Despite this, Anna sees how an similarly rain-drenched Marnie frets, unable to speak Anna's name. Marnie's teeth chatter too hard.

Tenderness fills Anna's heart.

She cloaks her jacket over their heads, encircling an arm around Marnie, walking her.

It won't be long until the salt marshes.

Thankfully, there's no sign of Nan. Or the two maids.

Marnie's sneezing intensifies.

"No, Anna," she objects, squirming under the quilt as Anna crawls closer. Her hand touches absently against Marnie's neck, and then her forehead, stroking her. Burning-hot. The fever hasn't left. She tucks a bleary-eyed Marnie in. "You mustn't. What if I make you ill?"

Anna's dark blue eyes grin.

"You won't."

She sketches. Nothing in particular. A toy chest, and a bookshelf made of polished redwood, and the entire corner of Marnie's play-room.

Dark clouds brew.

Anna's skin feels warmer now that they're inside the mansion, the lanterns flaming vividly.


She's dreaming.

That would make sense. Or else... why would everything be so, so, so wonderful? Whenever Marnie was there?

Marnie occasionally coughs while deeply slumbering, even if it's weak. Her too-pale eyelids quiver. Anna soothes her with a regardful kiss. Marnie's forehead slick. Her... her dearest friend. Her Marnie. Gladdened, Anna burrows under the quilt, hugging Marnie in her arms.

Her precious secret...

Dream or no dream, Anna won't let her go.

To be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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