I'm A watermelon

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So.....I look like a watermelon. I honestly feel like I'm going to explode any minutes. I only have a few more weeks until my due date and all I want to do is have this child and live happily ever after, but that's never going to happen. After Wes made me have an emotional break down in our NEW home because he proposed to me I feel like I couldn't imagine myself with anybody else. Even though sometimes I just want to yell at him , and cry I make it work.

Laraine has been so excited, she cant wait till this little booger pops out of me. She has helped with the nursery and trying to teach Wes how to change a diaper, which he's getting better at. Keaton, let me tell you about Keaton, once I found him, I told him that Wesley had proposed and once those words came out of my mouth Keaton freaked out as in like when your at a hotel and your idol punches a guy for you. He started like...I don't even know acting strange. But I've let it slide.

Wes has asked me when I want to have the wedding, he was suggesting that we have it before the baby comes but I am not walking down the isle carrying 20 more extra pounds nope. I told him that I'd rather have it after the baby's born so that he/she can be in the wedding. Me and Wes don't know the gender of the baby yet, I've tried to talk our doctor into letting me know but Wesley has made it clear to him we want to wait.

"Sarah!!" Oh how I do wish everytime he entered the house he wouldn't scream my name.

"Yes Keaton?" I asked, as he appeared in the doorway.

"Are you Ok?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"No." I say, as I feel the baby kicking.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because the thing inside of me keeps kicking me." I say, Keaton lays his hand on my stomach as the baby kicks.

"Damn, he wants out of there." He says, then I feel a sharp pain in my back.

"Shit." I say Keaton has a worried look on his face.

"Whats wrong?" Keaton ask, another sharp pain is caused in my lower back, then I feel a liquid run down my leg.

"Did you just piss on yourself?" Keaton asked, I look at him.

"No!! Keaton! My water just broke!!" I yelled, his eyes filled with worry.

"What do I do?" He ask,my mind runs with questions that I don't have the answers to.

"Call 911!!" I yell, pain runs through my legs. He runs downstairs to I assume call the ambulance. Then he comes back up as I hear sirens.

"There coming just wait." He says.

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