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Slumping into the hard plastic seat in the back of the police station, Yeji's alone time is interrupted by her parents rushing into the room, both of them pulling her into a tight embrace as if they feared they would never hold their little girl ever again.

After being questioned, the police called her parents to pick her up and briefly explained the situation. If it were her choice, she'd leave the station on her own.

They determined that it was only appropriate for her parents to be notified, and that her mental state was slightly concerning.

"Yej, are you alright?! We heard what happened," In-yeop rubs his daughter's back, attempting to comfort her.

"I never liked that Ryujin. I didn't want you to leave with her, you should have stayed with us," Seulgi cups Yeji's cheeks with her hands, brushing a few strands of hair out of her face with her thumbs.

This is not comforting for Yeji. It's quite the opposite-having to deal with her overbearing parents who baby her almost sends her over the edge.

But she can only imagine how hard it is for them for their daughters to be involved in two tragedies of such huge magnitudes.

First with Lucy disappearing, and now with her unknowingly being engaged with the most notorious serial killer in Seoul. So she tolerates it to the best of her abilities.

"How much did they tell you?" Yeji asks. She mainly wonders if the police included the part about Ryujin being Lucy'd killer.

"Everything," In-yeop responds. His eyes moisten with tears, but he quickly blinks them away.

"Even... even about Lucy?" Her voice cracks at the mention of her little sister's name.

Both of her parents nod, and it's at that moment when they can't hold in the tears anymore. None of them.

The Hwang's sit together in the police station, holding one another and crying. For the past three years, they lived with the sliver of hope that Lucy was still out there.

That maybe there would be a miracle and she would be discovered years later, and their lost little girl would return to them.

After all this time, the mystery has finally been solved. There's closure in one aspect, but a nasty open wound for another.

Now that her parents are here with her and they have all acknowledged that her younger sister will never be returning to them, the reality truly sets in. And it's a goddamn bitch.

Yeji is the first to wipe her tears away and compose herself as the emptiness that once ruled her life sets in once again. "Will you drop me back at my house now?"

Seulgi retrieves a couple tissues out of her purse, blowing her nose and dabbing at her eyes. "Oh, Yej. You're coming home with us. We'll take care of you."

"Mom, please, I'm 25 years old... I'm sorry but you can't constantly be in my life and try to watch over me. I appreciate it, I do, but I need my space. I need my life to be my life," Yeji frowns, standing up for herself for once.

She's afraid that if she goes back to live at her parent's house, she'll live there until the day she buries them in the ground. Protectiveness can only reach a certain extent before it is too much.

"The house is a crime scene, police are all over it. Yeji, pleaseunderstand... we are just worried about you... after what happened... last time... we just want to make sure you are okay. We'll help you search for a new apartment in a few months. For now, I think it is best for us to stick together as a family. Can you do that for us?" In-yeop talks to her in a firm yet gentle tone.

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