A familiar face

703 44 4

Cale: Jin Hong

Alberu: Geum Hong


Cale's eyes widened in surprise, and he took a step back.

'What was that just now??' he thought.

His hyung had disappeared and appeared right on the other side of the road. Cale knew that the figure that he had just seen, saved Geum (Alberu). 

When he went to where the two people were, he heard the boy ask his hyung if he was alright. Geum seemed confused at first but then seemed to have processed the situation and nodded.

The people near them started whispering to each other, saying things like,

"Did you see that?"

"It looked like the kid was about to get hit, then he just disappeared"

"I...I saw that too,.... what happened"

"Isn't that the kid over there?"

His hyung's saviour had noticed their stares so he suddenly stood up.

"I've gotta go." He said hurriedly, looking at him for the last time with a smile, he urgently dashed off.

Alberu looked around for his dongsaeng and spotted him. 

"Ca, -Jin!" he corrected and waved his hands.

Jin just glared and scolded him for causing trouble. Geum bowed his head and accepted the scolding.

"That person who just saved you, I think he's a awakener." Cale said with his usual stoic face.

Geum nodded in agreement.

Jin frowned, 'but why does he look so familiar like I met him before, but I've never seen him...' he thought.

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