Beginning of the End

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Have you ever felt alone?

Have you?

So alone that you hate any human contact?

So alone that you never felt loved?

Well I have... I Gerard Way... Me...

I guess that's why I'm in this stupid hospital bed, strapped in like an animal, like I'm crazy. I assure you I'm not. I don't think so...

Fuck! Maybe I am. I mean I tried to kill myself. Obviously it didn't work. Unless this white hospital room is heaven, a shitty heaven at that.

I looked around this 'shitty heaven', I saw that I was hooked up to some devise that had a liquid bag on it, I looked down at my arm and saw a rubber tube resting in my skin with a bit of tape over it. Fuck! They stuck a fucking needle in me! The bastards!

I quickly looked away, eyeing a card that said 'Get well soon!', bullshit.

Suddenly, a person dressed all in white nudged the door open. "Oh good you're awake!" he seemed surprised. He pushed his glasses up against his nose. "I'm Dr. Gordon." he spoke quickly with a purpose. I nodded. "Good, you can understand me." he replied. "How do you feel?" "Like shit..." I snapped. Dr. Gordon frowned, I don't care. "Okay..." he mumbled as he walked backwards towards the door, closing it slowly behind him.

Heh, already making enemies.

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