Obviously using you as his ammo.

"not surprised that you can't fight, all you do is talk" Toji gripped aiko's hair, making him wince.

Aiko let out a broken laugh before breathily speaking. "you're only upset because you're not the only one whose seen her gorgeous ass, you're not the only one she wants"

"what?" Toji's grip loosened the slightest bit.

"Toji, don't listen to that scumbag"

"you're just one of her endless options. and vise versa, isn't that right mr. husband of the year?" Aiko asks, drooling blood with every other word.

"oh!" he continued. "you never did become a husband. slutty parents trying to raise a retard s-ñ

"...so you really just say whatever comes to mind?" Toji chuckled. You thought he was done but he quickly turned and used both hands to smash Aiko square in the nose, making the man let out a loud scream.

Toji didn't stop though, you knew you needed to stop this. "Toji, stop! Megumi, help me get him off!" You both rush over to pull him off.

He was extremely stubborn however. It took you both pulling his arms and hair to get him away.

Aiko was as still as death. You placed a finger under his crooked nose and felt relief when warm air hit your knuckles.

A knock was heard at the door and you felt immediate panic. "Toji, lay down. Kim, who is that?" You look over at Kim.

"it's just the police here to get him. and don't worry, what just happened was only self defense" Kim says. She gets up and opens the front door. "he's over on the floor by the windows.

Toby was leaning on Megumi, hands and mouth of blood while the officers made Aiko stand up. You thought he was out cold, but he got up with a stumble, falling into an officer.

"what exactly happened here?" A third officer came in as the other two took Aiko.

"self defense sir, he pushed both my boss and a friend of ours, then proceeded to punch him." Kim explained.

"you a boxer boy?" The officer nods at Toji. He only shakes his head no. "mm" The officer looks around the room.

"if that's all sir..." Kim raised an eyebrow.

"oh, right! let me get of your hair, have a nice night" He dips the tip on his hat and leaves.

"Toji, are you okay?" You ask. He hadn't said a work since Aiko mentioned 317. And you were growing concerned.

"yeah, i just need to go to my place" He flashed you his camera ready smile and it makes you frown. Why is hiding his real expression from you?

"i can clean you up really qu-"

"it's fine, (Y/N). i just need to go lay down." He gave you a bittersweet reply and rose from the floor.

He spared you not a glance as he walked out of the front door. Leaving you, Kim, and Megumi in silence.

"Megumi, go with him" You say, look looking at the doorway.

"...alright" He jogs and calls out for him. You close the door behind him and look at Kim.

"did you enjoy the show?"

"Aiko needed a nose job" She innocently looked around.

"i can't stand you" You smile.

"i've got a lot to do now that things have took a turn though, i will call you tomorrow" She hugs you and pulls back with her hands on your shoulders. "with the times and dates" You nod and she leaves, immediately making calls over the phone.

You were left a floor to mop, and a curtain to clean. You sigh and get your necessary cleaning supplies.

Sitting with only the sound of scrubbing. You never realized how you were starting to have others around you more.

Megumi never letting the TV turn off, Toji talking to you or showing you a video on his phone every two minutes, and Kim almost always talking over the phone.

You used to think that you loved and longed for the silence. But maybe the noise just needed to come from people you cared about...

It was just another thing that you've taken for granted...

(requests/ feedback comments here➡️)
(1248 words)
(too tired to spell check)

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