The Hell and the High Water

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Just when I thought none of this could get any worse, it had.


Training with Erebus had been going on for months now. Winter had come and gone. Warm spring had taken its place. I could command root like an extension of myself. Hold my own against most of what any hell beast could offer. Strength was what I so desperately desired. And that's what he'd given me.

I had gotten stronger, much stronger. But there were parts of me, on the inside, that felt weak. In my heart and mind. My thoughts tore into me like razors. Playing maddening scenarios about what my actions may have done to those people closest to me. Today I wondered what they told my father about my disappearance. If he knew at all what had happened to me. I prayed he didn't know anything. I prayed someone mesmered him to forget that I ever existed. I didn't want him drawn into all of this chaos.

We trained in a house dropped in the middle of endless forest. I wasn't even sure if we were still anywhere near the Carolinas. The changes in the seasons and the air felt familiar, but I couldn't be sure.

My feet had taken me to the large stream about a mile away. It had been a while since I burned myself, but Erebus' words had taken me so off guard. I flared up without meaning too. I had to get away. Burned my hands in the process.

He knew I couldn't get far so he let me leave.

I cooled my hands in brisk mountain water all the while cursing the dress and shoes I had to wear. That demon was old. I'm sure he'd consider the clothing modern. He'd brought me a long white dress with tiered frills and long peasant sleeves. It exposed my shoulders and made me realize it wasn't something one wore to fight. That thought alone made my stomach turn. Made me wonder why I was wearing it.

Normally, I would have been worried about things crawling up my legs out here in the middle of nowhere. Now, I didn't care. I stepped into the current past my ankles and kneeled down. Splashing more cold water onto my face. My hands were still shaking and it wasn't from the temperature. I had been so numb for so long. This new fear crept into my lungs and made it hard to breathe. I splashed the water in my face again.

No. I was not going to cry.

There was no denying it. Today, Erebus had terrified me. I wanted to forget it had ever happened.

I waded even deeper then dunked my whole body under the easy currents. My greedy curls sopped up the water. The white dress became nearly transparent. But why should I care? I was out here alone. Rescue wasn't coming.


Wait... what was that? A twig? Did he follow me?

I came back up for air and wiped water away from my face. Something else was here with me. Stomping through the foliage. Now I had to fight in a stupid soaked through white dress.

Real smart Matty.

I considered the worst.

Another demon?

In the back of my mind. I knew Erebus wouldn't let me die, but that didn't mean he wouldn't make me fight any hell beast that came out into the forest looking for me. All in the name of training. My eyes took in the entire landscape. I wasn't sure if I could make it to the shore quickly enough for it to matter. I stumbled up to at least ankle-deep water again and stood my ground.

Out of the corner of my eye a figure- no...two emerged from the brush. My knees nearly buckled underneath me. Plain as day Nicholas and Selwyn stepped out onto the riverbank.

How did they find me?

Today of all days. I hated how relieved I felt. But I didn't move. I'd seen demon mimickery, but I didn't want to believe that both of them could fall victim to an uchel. I had no idea what was going on in the world outside of this forest.

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