chapter 2: Jacob

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Credits to Mermaid-Ghost-Girl

Y/n hit the concrete floor in a place shes never been before. It was warm and sunny. In her world it was the opposite. Cold and wet.
" owwww" y/n complained after hitting the floor.
She slowly got up to see there was no sign of the portal she just came through but the ball was still In her hand. Her setting looked like a set. There were a bunch of trailers and dudes walking around with cameras and lights.
She cautiously started looking at the names on the trailers. She clearly wasn't supposed to be there so she was trying to not make herself not obvious.
" Gianni, xolo,mary, hannah" she said quietly to herself looking for Jacob's trailer.
She said a few more of the actors names until her eyes widened at the sight of Jacobs name. Her whole body froze. She wanted to knock but she would look like one of those stalker fans and she didn't want to come across that way even though she literally went through a portal from a whole other universe to meet him.
" can I help you" a voice behind her said.
She instantly recognized that voice. It was Jacob's. His voice was so hot.
She turned around nervously. This is going to be weird to explain. Hes probably not had any of his fans rock up to his trailer and he definitely hasn't had any fans from a different dimension come to him.
" erm hi I'm y/n. I know this is like a really inappropriate place for a fan to come and meet you but honestly I didn't really have a choice because I came through this portal in the hopes I would meet you and hopefully some of your characters but there In different dimensions. Anyway I just wanted to meet you and I'm not a stalker I swear. I'm sorry I Just keep rambling. I'll shut up now" y/n spoke really quickly and turned red from embarrassment.
Jacob laughed. He thought she was adorable.
" hey calm down. Yes you are the first fan to show up at my trailer but your really pretty so I'm glad you did" Jacob said almost flirtatiously.
Y/n blushed making her look like a tomato even more.
" well your hot too"she said nervously.
" thanks. So your not from this dimension" he asked sounding like this a normal thing that happens every day. Someone just appearing out of nowhere from a different dimension.
" yeah. I know its unbelievable but this the orb I came through" she said passing him the orb to look at it.
" it looks like the fake one we used in kirby buckets warped" he said.
Y/n grinned super brightly when he mentioned kirby buckets. She watches interviews of him all the time and he never mentions kirby buckets. Kirby buckets is the best. It was y/n childhood.
" oh it does. I really love kirby buckets by the way and cobra kai too and the swap and goodnight America and the lepidoctor" she spoke fast again.
" jesus I forgot about the lepidoctor. That really is a flash from the past but I appreciate the support" he giggled.
Y/n smiled happily as Jacob handed the orb back to her.
" so if you don't have to get back to your universe for a while would you like to hang out" he asked.
Excitement and joy appeared on y/n face. This was the best day ever.
" I'm not going to say no to that" she smiled.
Jacob smiled and took her hand and the pair went into his trailer. The two watched a couple of cobra kai episodes and kirby buckets episodes together while he told stories about filming these episodes.
Before they knew it was dark and late.
" I think I need to go. My mum is probably worried" she said sadly not wanting to go home.
" well I had a really nice night and I really wish you were from this dimension so we could see more of each other" he said sadly.
" oh don't worry I'll come back and visit. Theres no way this is the last time we see each other" she assured.
Jacob smiled and looked at her like she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
Jacob tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and kissed her lovingly. Once he pulled away y/n looked happy shocked. She never in a million years expected this to happen.
Jacob laughed at her facial expression.
" so should I walk you to your portal" he laughed at that sentence.
Y/n nodded because she was still speechless by what just happened.
" I'll see you soon okay" Jacob said as she threw the orb.
" bye I love you" she said still smitten over the kiss. As she walked into the orb she heard Jacob say it back. Her heart was glistening with joy. Shes never felt so happy.
Her moment was ruined though when she hit her bedroom floor hard.
" I hate this fucking portal entrance" she complained.
For the rest of the night she didn't stop thinking about Jacob or the kiss or the way he looked at her and Jacob couldn't stop thinking about her either really wanting to see her again but he would. Sooner than any of them would expect.
Y/n laid in bed looking forward to seeing who was next. She looked at the note and it said it was hawk. She fell asleep smiling and full of excitement. It felt like it was Christmas tomorrow and this is the best present shes ever gotten.

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