„how are you feeling adri?" imara asked.
„exhausted. i am extremely tired but also kinda excited to have him here soon, but i just want him to be here already."

„have you seen her instagram story? y'all this outfit... problematic." this were the girls talk we had, and i loved it.

we kept talking for an hour or two before i fell asleep, my very much needed sleep. it wasn't a lot but at least some sleep.

i woke up at 5.25 exact. i looked over to the others: imara sleeping on pedris shoulder, pedri himself awake watching a show on his phone. alejandro and ansu sleeping in the most uncomfortable position i've ever seen. sira sitting on ferran's lap, both asleep cuddling. aurora was calling her mother, my mother-in-law and told her that it was almost time.

my mum knew it too, of course, but because she was in the hospital herself, she couldn't come.

gavi was too nervous to sleep. he was standing in the room, looking out of the window. admiring the morning sun. he was so cute.

„good morning." i whispered.
„good morning amor. ¿has dormido bien? (did you sleep well?)" i nodded.

right after that, the doctor came to check my dilation.

it's happening.

gavi quickly woke everyone up, while the doctor called the nurses.

the girls were almost as excited as gavi while i was still kinda half asleep.

the girls were now on my right side with the boys behind them. gavi was on my left side holding my hand.

„estoy asustado. (i'm scared.)" i whispered to him.
„usted será increíble mi amor. todo va a ser suave y bien. estoy aquí, y no me moveré una pulgada. apriete mi mano tanto como usted necesita, ¿de acuerdo? te quiero.
(you will be amazing my love. everything's going to be smooth and fine. i am here, and i will not move one inch. squeeze my hand as much as you need, okay? i love you.)"

the doctor returned with some nurses, and it began. the most painful experience in my life. but at the same time, the most exciting time of my life.

„and push." i couldn't here it anymore. i wanted him to be here already.

i squeezed my fiancés hand badly, but i was in extrem pain.

you are doing amazing.
just a few more times.

„perfect, you're doing amazing. his head is already out. now take a deep deep breath and push...yes great and one more time."

i was sweating like no one else. gavi was shaking, so was my brother. aurora grabbed a tissues and dried my face.

a thought was constantly in my mind - just a few more times pain, then you're going to be happy for the rest of your life.

and it was just like that.

„he's almost here, ms.gonzález. just two more times. deep breath and push - amazing. and one last time."

what felt like 10hours weren't even an hour. 45 minutes to be exact.

i closed my eyes. and all i heard now, was crying. a baby crying.

and there he was -

mateo pedro gavira gonzález

30th may

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