Chapter 3

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I press the dismiss button on my phone. I look around the room the sun is up. What time is it? I glance at my phone. It's 11:30. Oh okay... Wait, 11:30?! Oh shit, I missed the whole morning shift! I jump out of bed and get myself ready for the day.

"Sorry, I'm late! I over..." I stop in my tracks when I see a detective, Aizawa-sensei, and Deku standing with Inessa and Nicholas. Inessa runs over to me and hugs me, "Thank goodness you're okay!". I awkwardly hug her back, "What's going on?". "A villain used their quirk to break in" The detective informs. "Y/n, you gave us a scare! You weren't answering you never came to morning shift and you never answered your phone! I thought.." She looks up at me. "I'm okay, I just overslept". "Don't go back to your old habits, kid" Sensei huffs. "Yes Sensei" I nod.

"Y/n, we won't be able to work until they get the wall fixed" Nicholas states. "The wall? Okay... Well, what did they take?" I question. "They didn't take anything, they were looking for someone" The detective states. "Who?" I can feel my heart start to beat a bit faster. "You..." Deku finally speaks. My heart drops. "Me? Why me?" I start to feel fidgety.

Before anyone could say anything I feel a hand on my shoulder. Reluctantly, I grab their wrist and flip them over onto their back. "Damn.." The person groans. I look down to see that the person is Bakugo. "Shit, I'm sorry Bakugo," I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "It's whatever". "Wow, Kacchan, that's the first time in a while I've seen you get caught off guard" Deku chuckles. "Oh shut up..." Bakugo rolls his eyes.

"Anyway, we don't know why they want you. Deku, here, informed me that your quirk is glamour" Detective says. I frown at the mention of my quirk, "It is, yes. Which makes me confused. My quirk shouldn't be special to them" I cross my arms. "Y/n, have you seen anyone suspicious come into the restaurant?" Aizawa turns his body to face me.

I think for a minute but nobody comes to mind so I shake my head no. "Do you live alone?" Detective asks. "I do, yes. It's about a five-minute walk from here". "Can we go there? Also, I suggest that you two go home" He looks at Inessa and Nicholas as he says the last part.

I wave goodbye to my coworkers as the three heroes, the detective and I walk to my house.

As we reach my apartment building I ask, "You don't think whoever is after me would be waiting here, would they?". "No, if they knew where you live they would've taken you already" Bakugo states. I swipe my card against the front door scanner. I push the door open and step inside. "My room is on the fifth floor. Apartment fifty-two" I inform. We take the elevator upstairs.

The elevators open with a ding. "Is it usually this quiet?" Deku asks. "Pretty much. Almost everyone is at work during this time of day". "So like are there no kids running around?" Bakugo questions. "I want to say they pick their days to be loud" I reply as we begin to reach my door. "Y/n!" I feel two little bodies knock me over. It's Violette and Elliot! "Hey, you two!" I chuckle. "You're home early!" Violette states. "Yeah, I have something to take care of" I pat her head. "Woah! And you brought Deku and Dynamite with you...!" Elliot smiles widely. I stand as the two grab onto my legs. "Geez, you two. Did you guys miss me that much?" I smile. "Uhhuh! We never get to play anymore!" Violette pouts. "Yeah! I miss your cooking too!" Elliot frowns. "There you two are" Mrs. Green walks to the door. She notices the heroes and the detective behind me. "Why don't you two go inside. Y/n will play with yous' another day". They pout but obey her orders.

"Is everything okay?" Mrs. Green asks. "A villain is after Y/n" Detective explains. I can see the worry flash over her face so I grab her hands to reassure her, "Don't worry, Mrs. Green! I'll be okay. Just keep your family safe". She nods. "Will you be staying with one of the heroes?" Mrs. Green questions. "W-with one of the heroes?" I squeak. I look over to the group. "She can stay at Deku's place" Dynamite shrugs. Eh?! The wife smiles and gives me a peck on the cheek. "Stay safe, Y/n," She waves goodbye and closes her door. I frown but quickly insert the card into the reader. The lock clicks and I open my door. Nothing seems out of place...

Deku's POV

She opens her door. Nothing seems to be out of place or what I think would be. We look around her apartment but she says everything is in its place.

Man, I can't stop thinking about how good she was with those kids and how nice she was to their mom. Most importantly, why did Kacchan say that Y/n can stay at my place??

"Why did you say that?" I whisper to Kacchan. He shrugs. Seriously? I watch Y/n walk into her room with the detective. "I don't see anything that would mean someone has intruded on your space" Detective states. "But, I do think it's smart for you to stay somewhere else". "Where would I stay that wouldn't put anyone in danger?" Y/n raises an eyebrow. "As I said before, you can stay with Deku" Kacchan crosses his arms. I look at him. Is he serious? "I-is that okay with you, Deku?" Her tone seems nervous. I look back at her, "O-of course!". "Alright then. Go ahead and pack some stuff up. Eraserhead, shall we go?" Detective turns to Sensei. Aizawa nods and the two leave the apartment. Kacchan walks out of her room and goes to sit on the couch, "You have a nice place extra". "Thanks, I guess". I watch as she folds her clothes and put them in her suitcase.

Is she really okay with staying at my place? Am I okay with her staying at my place? This is the first time I'm letting a civilian stay at my place.

I cross my arms, leaning on the doorframe as I continue to watch her pack.

𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘 [𝙸. 𝙼𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚢𝚊] Where stories live. Discover now