Chapter 1, On the job

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Hello and welcome to the first chapter of the story, i wanted to make something clear and that is that while i will most likely use monsters from the MGE universe i wont always remain 100% lore accurate although i will very much try, also i'm probably going to be using some parts of the monster musume universe in the form of world building as well as some characters maybe. Anyways, enjoy


Y/N: On the count of three we enter.

As i look over i get a nod from lumi as i put three fingers up, slowly counting down as i lower my pistol and grab onto a baton. Lowering all of my fingers i rapidly turn around kicking in the door before taking cover behind the wall as Lumi shoots electricity to the person standing guard at the door. Stunning him as i duck under and hit him against the chin with the baton knocking him out clean.

Standing up straight now i look around the room noticing two orcs now looking at me with not so very pleased looks, as one had a gun the other just had a knife. As the one with the gun took aim i throw the baton, hitting his hand as he drop it i rush up with a flying knee to the face making him stumble back slightly before i land, pulling out my pistol i pull the trigger three times, the rubber bullets flying out hitting him in the chest knocking the air out of his lungs. As i drop to the floor before spinning onto my hands as i deliver a kick to his jaw knocking him out.

As i was suddenly grabbed and lifted from behind as i felt the orc trying to break my back i suddenly felt a slight bus going trough me as i was suddenly dropped as i look back to a electrified orc as i touch the metal baton picking it up i felt the static discharge in the from of a shock.

Y/N: Thank you Lumi.

Lumi: Your welcome.

As i was greeted with a smile i put my hair back into model before walking of again, looking down the stairs two more orcs where rushing up as i decide to execute a stupid plan, taking a leep i jump down the stairs surfing one of the orcs down into the wall as i shot the other one with a rubber bullet knocking him back before i followed it it with a baton hit knocking him out as well. Three orc's now however looked very unpleased with my actions.

As i just sigh standing up. This was going to hurt like a bitch.

Being tackled by one of the orc as i was taken into a wall knocking the air out of my lungs i could see what looked like a lightning flash coming down the stairs. Knowing it to be Lumi i already knew she should be fine

As i was still hanging over the orc's shoulder i elbow drop his back making him bend over and as i felt my feet connect with the ground i sent knee after knee into his stomach and face, eventually grabbing onto his arm and twisting it behind his back, kicking out his knees before hitting him over the back of the neck knocking him out. At this moment i look over to see Lumi dodging hits before electrifying one of the orcs. As i see the last one charging her from behind i see him about to hit her, as i just shot the hand away with another rubber bullet as Lumi now turns around shocking the orc as well before i run up kneeing him in the face knocking him out.

Standing up i slightly catch my breath as i see Lumi walking up to me.

Lumi: You told me you wouldn't pull stupid shit anymore.

Y/N: Sorry to break that promise. But at least we took care of them. Now lets go get the hostage.

Walking up into a locked room i kick the door in as i threw in a flashbang before rushing in, grabbing a punch coming my way before bending the arm behind the back as i kick the knees out i throw him to the ground putting him in cuffs.

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