"You can't!" Silence fell over us and we turned to look at Sirius. "Excuse me?" "You can't go out with him." He said again, and I felt anger rising in me. "And why not?" I asked him, crossing my arms. "Because..." He looked like he was trying to find the words to say. I swear to Merlin if this boy says something stupid I'm going to turn him into a slimy toad.

Sirius didn't know what to say, even he was surprised by the words he spoke before, so he said the first, most unreasonable excuse that came to his head. "What about my birthday?" I rolled my eyes. "Sirius, your birthday isn't until the day after tomorrow. It's not like I will be with Amos until then." "But..." I looked at him waiting to see what outrageous thing he would say now, but it looked like he knew there was no true reason why couldn't meet Amos.


"Did he really say that?" Alice asked. I had told her all about what had happened yesterday night and earlier today at breakfast as we walked to the quidditch pitch. "Yes Alice, and I find it quite odd. Why would Sirius say something like that?" Alice shrugged. "But who cares? Let's focus on what really matters. You kissed Amos and he seems quite smitten by you. Why keep overthinking it?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe you're right." "Of course I'm always right." I rolled my eyes at her before dragging her by the arm. "Now come on, let's hurry, we don't want to lose our seats.

Making our way through the stands we found our seats next to Remus and Peter, who was kind enough to save them for us. Being the first days of November the weather was already very cold, but it did nothing to dampen down the excitement for yet another quidditch game of the year. Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff.

As always the game was exhilarating and nerve wrecking. Players wheezed by in their brooms, the quaffle being passed around teammates trying to score, all while each team's seeker tried to find the golden snitch. Sirius was playing with quite the determination today, even more so than when playing against Slytherin. Of course there's nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that Sirius only batted any bludger that came his way towards Amos with such force that it looked like he wanted to knock him off his broom. It was as if he had his own personal vendetta against him.

The game had been going for hours, the score was 300-150 in favour of the Hufflepuff team. The cold was getting harsher as the evening progressed and it didn't look like it was going to end soon. Just then the Gryffindor team managed to score one last goal before they caught the snitch, winning the game by only 10 points.

After the players had all left the field we started making our way out of the stands. Once we made it to the castle grounds I said my goodbyes to Alice promising her I would tell her all about my night with Amos when I got back. I walked past the Gryffindor tent, not bothering to congratulate James and Sirius like I always did, not even with Sirius shouting at me as I walked straight ahead to the Hufflepuff tent. As I arrived Amos walked out, he had exchanged his uniform for some simple trousers and a thick cashmere sweater that shields him from the cold.

"Hello there!" He greeted me with that damn smile that never left his face. "I'm sorry you didn't win." He shrugged. "It's okay. It was a good game, and if I managed to impress the pretty girl watching in the stands then I can call it a win." He smirked and I blushed at his smooth pickup line. "So did I?" I decided to play along. "Mm not sure. I believe she thinks you were average at best." "Oh really, because if I recall she looked like she couldn't keep her eyes off me." I blushed again. It was true, I was ogling him the whole game, but how did he notice I'll never know.

"So I'll ask again. Did I?" I decided to give in. "I would say she's pretty impressed." He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder guiding me towards the castle. "Then there's nothing to be sorry for." I laughed. For the rest of the day I had a great time with Amos. We walked around the castle grounds until it got too cold to stay outside so we decided to seek warmth inside the castle. More specifically in his common room, where we talked about anything and everything and I laughed so much.

When it was almost curfew he insisted on walking me back to my tower, but I declined his offer telling him it would get him in trouble if he got caught on his way back. After a few tries he relented, but only if I bid him goodbye with a good night's kiss, which I did.

After solving the riddle I entered my common room certain that Alice is still most likely away waiting for me to tell her all the details. I smiled and shook my head, that girl sure had a lot of energy. Before I would take the first step towards my dorm a boy from a year below spoke. "Someone slid this for you under the door." He gave me a folded piece of parchment with my name written on it.

"I need to ask you something, can't wait until tomorrow. Meet me at the astronomy tower after curfew?"



Hello messers! I It's finally here after four long months I found the time to finish and publish this chapter.

I've been struggling a little to keep up with school work and continuing to write this story , among other things, but I promise I have the full intention of finishing it, it will just take time. A LOT.

I hope you find the patience to read the story even with the slow updates.

Please vote, comment, and tell me what you think.

Stay tuned messer and don't forget the mischief is not yet managed.

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