It was the Insomnia

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The blaring alarm clock cut through Tutor's sleep like a guillotine. A restless night that Tutor didn't even want to call sleep had finished and now he had only the day to look forward to. Big text on his Calendar app showed 12-3PM acting workshop with P'Kla. Cutie Pie to You was about to film and Tutor and Yim were the only ones scheduled for practice. P'Kla basically told Zee and NuNew to be their husband selves and Max and Nat to make out like rabbits. Neither pair had to practice what they already did so naturally. 

Tutor and Yim on the other hand were scheduled to have their first NC scene as Nuer and Syn. The script was steamy and sweet with comedic touches and Tutor thought it fit their characters. It would've been fine. It should've been fine. With the help of their acting coach to get them in the mood and set the scene it would be smooth. 

However, each night closer to the beginning of their workshop, the less and less sleep Tutor got. Until last night when he pretty much laid in bed with his eyes open through the a black night. He got up a few times to do push ups and tire out his body. But all he was left with was sore arms and eye bags. 

He was exhausted and running on fumes. But he was used to it when they had a grueling acting or event schedule. He pushed away the tiredness and looked at his phone. Yim had texted 5 times in the hour that Tutor had slept.

"OMG it's finally the day!"

"You're picking me up right?"

"Can we get food after, a good makeout session tires me out."

"Don't have anything with garlic for breakfast. I'm not kissing a stinky mouth."

"Should we practice beforehand to show P'Kla we're good at this?"

Yim speed was working on all cylinders. Tutor blinked through sleepy eyes and tried to process all the texts at once. He might as well reply to some of them.

"Yes. I'll pick you up at 10:30. I'm just eating some rice and shrimp for breakfast." Was all he wanted to say. Tutor showered and put on a crisp new shirt from fans and styled his hair then checked his phone again. 

Yim had sped off on 5 more messages.

"Oooo was breakfast good? I got some bread because I forgot to get groceries."

"Here's my bread. Have you tried YumYum Bakery before?" Photo of said bread.

"We're not going to show up early???"

"Come on I wanna practice!!!"

"10:00 OK?"

Tutor sighed but texted back. "OK 10:00. For traffic." 

Sure Bangkok traffic was notoriously bad during lunchtime, but two hours to get 6 kilometers minutes was pushing it. 

It was already 9:00 so Tutor quickly ate and brushed his teeth then packed up made his way to his Honda BR-V. Traffic was light at 9:30 and Tutor ended up being at Yim's at 9:45. Instead of texting that he was there early he sat in his car in front Yim's condo residence and played a video game. 

So engrossed in the mobile game, a knock on the passenger side shocked him. Yim knocked and waved, vigorously pointing to the door handle to open. Tutor quickly put down his phone and clicked the auto-unlock. 

Yim in his characteristic dancer gracefulness opened the car, threw in his bag and slid inside in one singular movement. 

"I know you'd be here early too! I bet you're excited too! I'M SO EXCITED!! I LOVE WORKSHOP!" Yim really did. Judging by the speed of the talk and increasing volume. He looked like a puppy waiting to go to the dog park. If Tutor squinted enough he could see ears and a tail. 

It was cute really...

A little long-haired chihuahua Yim. 


Tutor blinked and turned his eyes to the road and started his car again. He didn't say anything. He didn't even know if Yim wanted a response. Tutor typed the GPS in and headed to P Kla's studio.

"The script is really fun, right? I was trying to get into character this morning. I meditated and looked up all the steps about Monkhood. It was really cool! I'm ready to do my best Syn!" 

Yim was ready all right. Tutor even with his eyes on the road could hear the tail wags. 

"So cute." Tutor thought.

Tutor coughed and kept driving. Doing his best to focus on the drive and navigate through taxis cutting in and speeding motorbikes. He hoped traffic would be heavy but they arrived at the P'Kla's studio at 10:30. 

Even though they had a later appointment P'Kla have all the DMD members his studio code so actors could show up early or stay late without bothering him. Tutor pressed in the code and then turned on the studio lights. P'Kla hadn't arrived yet and they were again alone. He quickly flipped on lights as Yim sped off to explore. 

There were two practice rooms with mirrors and Yim sped back and forth trying to choose his favorite of the identical rooms. 

"Let's practice here! I feel good energy here!" Yim cheerfully trundled into the furthest room. Tutor was left to follow. They still had over an hour before they were set to work. 

He usually loved all aspects of acting. He was living his dream. After singing nights and practicing lines in his Northern small town as a boy, here he was in the big city of Bangkok. Tutor finally making it was joy enough most days. But Tutor's stomach sank as Yim sat down and patted the floor, urging Tutor to sit very close to him.

"Come on, let's kiss a lot before P'Kla gets here!" Yim smiled at him. That careless squint smile. 

Tutor was screwed.

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