9. Run Away Together

Start from the beginning


One week passes, and I stay alert about Prince's safety. He's still giving me the cold shoulder, but I don't give any attention to it. Rather than that, I am concerned about his well-being and safety.

Prince Tine and I get called to meet King Metawin and Commander Bright on an evening.

We go into their chambers, and Prince Tine seems to be aware of what is going on. It turns out King Metawin had told him the situation when they met yesterday.

Prince Tine sits in front of his parents, and I keep on standing.

"It'll be cowardice." Prince Tine, hmphs. "I am not moving an inch from here, father. Whatever it is, I will deal with them just like how you did in the past-"

"You have to listen to me, Tine. Your father and I are worried about you." Commander Bright says. "The best solution is to take you out of here so the rebellions' attention would avert. We'll finish them off, and you can come back safely."

"But what would everyone else say? The Prince cowardly ran away upon threat, and they'll think I am too easy!" Prince exclaims.

"That's why we are going to cover this as a kidnapping. Only us two, the two knights, and you two will know about this plan. Tomorrow evening you have a visit to make. You are supposed to go through a forest, and when you do, Knight Jirawat will send his team wearing masks, so the soldiers who are guarding you will think they are assassins. During that mess, you have to disappear with Sarawat. We can create the lie from there that you have disappeared during an attack." King Metawin reveals his actual plan.

"Still..." Prince whines. "I don't want Sarawat," he complains.

Both King Metawin and Commander Bright look at me. Commander gives me suspicious eyes, silently saying that if I have done anything wrong, I am fucked up. My eyes widen, and I shake my head.

"I- I don't know why Prince is saying that." I defend myself and lie.

"You don't know?!" Prince glares at me. "I hate him, father. I don't want him," he says, pointing at me.

Oh my god! What?! I am concerned here about him, and he is being a total brat!

"I know you are lying to get away from us, Tine. I already know that Sarawat is your favourite." King Metawin chuckles and looks at me. "He talks a lot about you."

My lips part in surprise as I look at Prince Tine, who turns red instantly. Seeing him like that, my heart starts pounding faster inside. I already know Prince has a crush on me, but it still surprises me big time.

"No! I don't!" Prince turns redder, caught red-handed.

Prince's parents laugh only and don't help him at all.


"I don't like you anymore. You can ask my parents to replace you so you won't have to go through all the trouble saving me." Prince rolls his eyes.

"Why are you being so stubborn?" words fly out of my mouth.

"How dare you, you idiot." he hmphs.

"It is decided already. Whether your highness likes it or not, I am coming with you. We can run away together. I will keep my distance once you are safe." I sternly say.

"You sound like you are concerned about me. When you are really not," he mumbles.

"What was that again?"


"Look here." I hold his upper arm and shift his attention to me. "I will gladly disappear from Your Highness's life as soon as Your Highness is safe. So you won't feel uncomfortable any longer."

He shrugs me off, "I don't want your help. I told you once. If you care for me even a little bit, you wouldn't have said those cruel things to me without even considering my feelings!" he exclaims.

"If I didn't, your highness would've built up more hope!"

"Get lost, Sarawat. Idiot. Stupid jerk. Shithead."

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Sarawat should discipline Tine😌


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