Untitled Part 1

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A/N: I was bored and so I wrote this. It's short but I hope you like it anyway.

Cassie couldn't keep still. Her blood was thrumming through her veins. Anticipation filling her.

Luke was coming home.

It had only been a few months, but it felt like a century.

They talked every chance they got, but it wasn't enough.

She needed to touch him, feel the warmth of his body, the safety of his arms, the sense of comfort that washed over her when he was near.

She had endured months without him, but waiting at the drop off was what was going to kill her.

She needed him home. Now.

Her eyes shot forward at the sound of an approaching vehicle to see several buses approaching.

Her heart was in her throat as the soldiers started to disembark, reuniting with their families.

Luke's family was here too, but in her anxiousness they had fallen in the background, forgotten.

When Luke finally stepped off the bus, she froze.

It was his voice saying her name. "Cassie," that had her moving.

She was running toward him before he could even take a step toward her.

She collided into his chest, his arms banding around her, then his lips were on hers, kissing her like a man on death row.

She clung tightly to him, her mouth opening beneath his. Their tongues reuniting in a dance they had perfected the day he left.

She gasped. "I missed you so much."

He hiked her up his body, and she wrapped her legs around him tightly.

"I love you," he swore, his hands tangling in her hair, pulling her in for another kiss.

He kissed her until his desire for more became too much, the love in his heart building to a crescendo.

"Marry me," He said.

Cassie gripped his shoulders, pulling back. "What?"

"Marry me?" Luke repeated, his eyes locked on hers.

"We're already married, Luke." She laughed as her heart pounded against her ribcage in a powerful beat.

"I don't care." Luke let her body slide back down his and settled one hand on her hip, the other on her neck, thumb brushing the underside of her jaw. "Marry me again for real this time. In front of our family, friends. I want to do this right this time around. I want to spend our wedding night showing just how much I love you."

Cassie smiled and kissed him again. Kissing him was like coming home, and she welcomed the feeling.

She would marry him a thousand times over. All he had to do was ask. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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