Fred, Daphne, and Velma walked away leaving James, Shaggy, and Scooby by the Mystery Machine.

Daphne: We'll be back with some help!

Shaggy: And bring back some food too!

James just shook his head. When they couldn't see the three anymore, Shaggy turned to Scooby.

Shaggy: Like, I know where Velma keeps the stash, guys.

Shaggy opened the back of the van, also opening a secret compartment in the Mystery Machine. He laughed, but stopped when only one Scooby Snax came out.

Shaggy: No. Like it's the last one.

Shaggy and Scooby tried to fight for it but it dropped almost rolling into a crack. James just sat there in amusement.

Shaggy: Like come on buddy, we'll split it 50/50.

They were trying to walk to the snack, but a bunny with antlers, a jackalope, hopped up to the Scooby snack.

Shaggy: Zoinks! A jackalope? I thought those things were fake.

Scooby: Re roo.

James: Guys there's no such thing as a-a-jackalope?

James stuttered over his words once he saw the jackalope. The creature ate the Scooby snack causing Shaggy and Scooby to chase after it.

Shaggy: Hey! Come back here you little horned thief!

James let out a sigh before joining the chase. The jackalope went under the fence, Scooby crawling through the hole while James and Shaggy climbed over the fence, still chasing the creature. The jackalope hopped into a dark cave causing Shaggy, Scooby, and James to stop at the cave entrance.

Shaggy: Aw man, he's gone.

All of a sudden, there was a faint glow in the cave.

Shaggy: Hey, what's with that glow?

Scooby: Ri ron't rnow.

James: Maybe someone forgot to turn off the nightlight.

The three felt a presence behind them.

Shaggy: Like, there's something creepy behind us isn't there?

Scooby and James turned their heads around and gulped.

Scooby: Reah, real creepy.

James: Creepy times two.

Shaggy turned his head around to see two aliens.

Shaggy: Yeah, that's creepy alright.

The aliens growled and tried to grab them.

Shaggy, James, and Scooby: YIKES!!!

They ran away from the aliens.

A/N: Ladies and gentlemen, Jennifer Love Hewitt!!!!

James, Shaggy, and Scooby bursts through a door, James slid and landed against the countertop while Shaggy and Scooby landed in the middle of the floor. Apparently it was a restaurant called Sergo's.

Velma: Now what?

Shaggy stood up and grabbed Daphne's arm.

Shaggy: L-l-like aliens are after us!

Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders (James Hunt)Where stories live. Discover now