Spaceship? Jackalope? Aliens?

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Shaggy and Scooby were driving in the desert, while the rest of the gang slept in the back. Shaggy started blaring rock and roll music while Scooby howled out the window.

Shaggy: Rock on Scoob!

Just then, Velma sat up rubbing her eyes.

Velma: Would you guys mind try keeping it down? We're trying to sleep back here.

Shaggy: Like, we were going to wake you up anyway Velma. There's a town coming up, and we need to stop for some chow.

Fred: We just had dinner 2 hours ago.

Shaggy: Yeah, but all this driving is making me hungry. Besides, that's like 14 hours in dog time.

Scooby: Reah.

Scooby sucked in his gut and acted like he was skin and bones. While Shaggy drove, the wind started to pick up causing a dust storm.

Daphne: This dust storm's really picking up.

Shaggy: Like, I can't see a thing.

Shaggy must've taken a wrong turn because the road started to get bumpy. The gang heard a loud sound.

James: Hey, what with this road?

Daphne: And what's with that sound?

All of a sudden, a bright light appeared, blinding everyone. Shaggy drove off the road going over big bumps, but all that came to a stop when the Mystery Machine hit a cactus. Air bags deployed.

Fred: Is everyone, ok?

Shaggy: I'm ok.

Velma: Fine.

Daphne: Yeah.

James: Never better.

The gang got out of the Mystery Machine.

Velma: What was that thing?

James: I have no idea.

Shaggy: Like, I don't know, but it sure was big.

Daphne: Was it some kind of jet?

Fred: Not like any jet I've ever seen. Did you see how fast it was?

There came a hissing sound from the van. James opened the hood and came out steam. He looked closer.

James: Well, it looks like the radiator went kaput.

Shaggy: Like no.

Fred looked of into the distance to see light.

Fred: Hey, that looks like a town, can't be more then a mile away.

Shaggy: Like, you want us to walk across the desert, at night?

Fred: Well, I'm not going to carry you.

James: Don't look at me.

Shaggy: But there's snakes and stuff out there.

Scooby: Reah, a rattlesnake!

Scooby acted like a rattlesnake, slithering around.

Shaggy: Hey, I got an idea. How about Scoob and I stay and guard the Mystery Machine?

Scooby: Reah! Right!

Velma: That's a very brave thing to do Scooby, thank you.

Scooby: You're welcome.

Fred: All right. Let's go.

James: I'm going to stay here, to keep an eye on them.

Velma: All right, James.

Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders (James Hunt)Where stories live. Discover now