Cat People/ The End

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They tried to move but couldn't. James knew exactly what they were.

James: Voodoo dolls.

Simone: These wax dolls do come in handy

Velma looked more closely at her doll.

Velma: So that's where the cleaning cloth of my glasses went.

She looked over at Beau with a sympathetic look.

Velma: I'm sorry I suspected you.

Beau: Apology accepted.

Simone walked over to the moondial.

Simone: The harvest moon will soon reach the midnight point on this moondial and then the ceremony will begin.

Fred: What ceremony?!

Daphne: You won't get away with this!

Simone: I've been getting away with this for 200 years.

Simone and Lena turned into half creatures without the fur, they grew claws, fangs, and pointy ear, making the group gasp in terror.

James: At least Shaggy and Scooby are still safe, maybe. I hope.

Lena: I heard that James! Those two simpletons, we didn't bother making wax dolls of them, ha! Waste of time and magic wax!

Fred: Just what are you planning to do with us?

Simone: It's simple. Every harvest moon I must drain the life force from victims lured to my island to preserve my immortality. 

Daphne: This is more haunted stuff than I really wanted!

Velma started thinking, putting together some clues.

Velma: If you're as old as you say you are, I bet you're the ones who found Morgan Moonscar's treasure.

Simone: Morgan Moonscar! He was the cause of all this. I was on of the group of settlers who made this island our home, we looked to our Cat God for a bountiful harvest. Until that night when he came ashore. He drove the islanders into the bayou, all except for Lena and myself. We uttered a curse on the pirates to destroy them as the had destroyed our island, our wish was granted. We became cat creatures and destroyed the pirates. Only afterwards that invoking the Cat God's power had curse us as well.

Lena: Over the years folks have continued to come to our island. One was full of spice traders who started a pepper plantation, the plantation flourished.

Simone: At least until the harvest moon. Sometimes it became nessacry for Lena to lure outsiders back to the island.

James: Just like you lured us.

Lena: I've had years of practice.

Daphne: And those zombie are just poor sould you've drained. They were just trying to warn us so we didn't suffer the same fate they did.

Simone: Pretty smart, for a television reporter.

They heard a roar.

Lena: Sounds like Jacques has found your frightened friends.

Fred: Jaques?

Simone: We needed a ferry drive, the old man wanted immortality, so we gave it to him.

There was a roar that sounded like he was in danger.

Lena: Jacques is in trouble!

Simone: Forget about him! They must be drained now while to moonlight is in the midnight alignment! 

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