Chapter two

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I followed.

I panted and stopped running. I looked up. She ran up and down the lines of my vegetables, her hair floated behind her. The sun beamed onto her face, even with the dirt smudged on her cheek her skin was still fair as can be. She stopped and knelt down, I came up behind her and sat next to her. A caterpillar carrying a small leaf crawled across the veins of a tomato plant.

She lifted a finger to pet it. She giggled at the furry friend snuggling against her. Her smile glistened in the sunshine. "Ahem." I interrupted. She bolted up in shock, "well, would you like to come inside?" I asked. "Oh yes, thank you so very much" we began walking to my house, making small talk along the way.

"So..." I said "what's your name?" I turned to her. "Alice, Alice nix" she looked down to the ground, as though she was ashamed of being from the royal family. "Alice... That's a nice name, mine is Annie but you can call me Anne" we got to the door and I pulled out a handful of keys, picking out one and unlocking the door. "How could you tell which one it was?" Alice asked as she stepped inside. "Well even though they look the same from a far, they each have their own little markings that make them unique"

Alice smiled and took off her shoes, I handed her some wooly socks and she replaced her old one with the new ones. I sat her down on the small real sofa in the entryway. "Where's your living room?" She asked, "this is my living room" I pointed to the small coffee table and the rusted tv that rested on it.

"Oh.. sorry," she looked down again. "No need, would you like a tea?" She looked up happily and nodded. I showed her to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I went into the kitchen and started baking some fresh cake.


"I'm done!" Alice called from a crack in the bathroom door. I put down the teabags and picked up the towel and clothes I had rested on the couch. I covered my eyes and slid my hand through the door. "Thank you" she said taking the last item from my palm.

Alice came out and sat on the sofa. I placed the tea and slices of cake in front of us. We started eating and taking, I found out she likes painting—me too! A loud banging noise came from the front door. Alice dropped her cake and I spilt a little of my tea on my shirt. I groaned and tried rubbing off the tea stains as if that would work.

They banged again. Dust and wood chips flew off and into the house. I quickly got up to peer through the curtains. "Hide" I muttered. "What?" Alice said, confused "the guards are here, go hide." I whisper-yelled. Alice got up and rushed down the hall. Another great bang came from outside. The door almost busted down. I opened the door for the guards and smiled.

"How may I help you sir?" I said as innocently as I could. "We are here for the princess." The guard at the from spoke. "We?" I asked. The guard stepped aside and revealed  6 more tall men dressed in silver and gold, all holding swords. "We found ripped fabric in the bushes of the forest, all leading here." I just now realized that Alice's dress had caught on some bushes on the way back. My heart sunk. "The fabric that was used for princess Alice's pink dress, the one that she was last seen in." I froze.

"We are coming in." The front guard spoke.

Words: 631
Ty for reading! Bye <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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