What More Can I Lose?

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Tommy and I traveled far in a day, searching for the bad group of allies. Our enemies which I thought included Mike but now I'm not so sure. Tommy basically followed me around like a little puppy. I'm guessing he didn't have many friends at home to hang around with. it seems we are more alike than I thought previously. It wasn't long before Tommy had this bright idea to check the cornucopia area for their hidden camp or hideout I should say.

They were all there taking all of the weapons and supplies they could get their hands on. at least I have a bow and arrows. that's all I need out here. I realized that the landmines were surrounding them. I trekked back to where Tommy would be scouting for tributes. luckily, he hadn't traveled far when I found him. "tommy!" he jogged back to me. "yeah?"  "I need you to find branches with the greenest leaves ya can find and start a fire. they'll smoke like crazy, distracting the group back at the cornucopia so I can destroy all the food and supplies. "sounds good"  he began stripping trees of their branches and I lightly ran to the bushes before the opening where the cornucopia lay. I nocked an arrow and got ready to take aim. I needed to wait for the smoke to rise first.

it took about five minutes for the tributes to see the smoke and go searching. they left Ringo Starr with a spear to be ready to defend the stock of supplies. Ed Gagliardi ran out and grabbed a backpack full of what I guessed was food. I didn't shoot him. he spared me when we ran into each other at the beginning of the games. Ringo couldn't throw the spear far enough to hit Ed, so he just watched in frustration. I waited for Ed to run safely into the trees then I lifted my bow up, aimed, let out a breath, and shot a bag of apples. It only skimmed it though, so I'd have to try again. my plan was for the apple bag to break and the contents would spill over the landmines causing them to blow up the food. I nocked another arrow, aimed, let out a breath and fired. the bag slit apart. then, a huge explosion happened and I was thrown a few feet back with devastation force. I thought I was deaf in my right ear. I saw Mick Jones slit Ringo's throat and I scrambled to my feet and into the forest to avoid being seen. I looked for Tommy everywhere. I heard screaming. "Cadenza! Cadenza!" I ran towards the noise as fast as I could. I saw Tommy covered in a net that I'm guessing Mick set up to kill the other tributes with. I took the throwing knife out of my quiver and sliced frantically at the net. I saw George Harrison out of the corner of my eye. he had a spear and he was within range of hitting us if he were to toss it. I whipped an arrow out of my quiver and aimed the point at his heart. I let the arrow fly at the same time he threw the spear. it flew past me. George fell to the ground and I heard my name from behind me. "Cadenza"   whipped around and stared at Tommy in horror. he was pulling the spear from his gut. I ran and caught him right as he began to fall to the ground. I held his head in my hands and kissed his forehead. "it's okay" I repeated. he wanted me to sing to him. I sang him the song I always used to sing to my sister back in District 12. I knew he was gonna pass soon. I sang until his eyes looked blankly up at me and I cried not caring who heard me at the moment. I went to find flowers to put in his hands and to weave around his body. I then stood up and held my first three fingers to my lips, then to where I though they'd hide a camera above me. I wanted people to know I was still strong.

I took one final look and went to the pond where my group of enemies found me when the Hunger Games first began. I sobbed quietly as I washed my hands in the water where I was stung by the trackerjackers. I noticed blood on the shore of the pond. I followed it and wiped the water off my hands onto my pants. the drips of blood led me over huge amount of rock. it stopped somewhere in the middle of the pile of rocks suddenly and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "psst Cadenza" I looked down and saw Mike's face in the rock. "oh my god Michael!" I crouched down by him and he pushed himself up. he had used his camouflage tactic to hide in the rock. I pulled bits of what I guessed was paint from his hair. I helped him walk to a cave we found since he'd been injured in the leg. he said he could walk on his own though so he started to just kinds limp behind me. I laid him down in the cave and I caressed his cheek. "you're burning up!" I exclaimed after I'd felt his forehead. I hoped they'd send down a parachute so I could get him some medicine. one did come that night. Inside was a can of soup and a message from Haymitch. I put the note back in the container and began spoon-feeding Mike the soup. He finished it sooner than I anticipated. after that the capital made an announcement that there would be certain supplies that we all needed. I knew it was Mike's medicine so I prepared to go get it. he pulled me back down to a sitting position. I laid down and pressed a kiss to his lips. our first kiss. "please stay" Mike said. I nodded and put my head on his shoulder to pretend to sleep. while I waited for him to fall asleep before I went to go get his medicine, I thought about how right before Tommy died he told me I had to win. I didn't realize that's what he'd said until I replay the incident over in my head. all I can think as I walk out of the cave is: What more can I lose?

I hope ya liked the chapter! Thanks for reading!:) "save the Texas Prairie Chicken!"

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