Highschool AU

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Ring !, Ring!, Ring!  "OOF this stupid alarm-It doesn't even work when I want it to and it works on a Saturday morning- Im too sleepy for this, It's Saturday I'm going back to bed!" Cole groaned, put a pillow over his head, and then went back to bed.


BANG!  "WHAT IN THE FSM WAS THAT-" Cole woke up yet again and rushed downstairs, to see his dad... dancing?? "DAD! what are you doing dancing with rock music on at 7 AM!"

"Oh hey son, I was just getting my exercise in! y'know! your old man needs to keep his heart going! Oh, and are you ready for school?"

"School?? Dad, it's a Saturday-Why would I go to school-?" 

"Umm Son it's not Saturday- It's Friday.."

"WHAT!" Cole practically shrieked

Cole ran upstairs, ran into the bathroom brushed his teeth didn't bother to shower- not like he had any time, then he ran downstairs and ate breakfast all while his dad.. danced?

"Son are you done eating we have to leave in 5 minutes-!"

"Yes, yes I'm done LETS GO NOW!!" cole stuffed his books in his backpack and ran out the door.


Cole ran through the classroom doors 10 minutes late, hey at least the teacher didn't start teaching yet!

"Well looks like Mr. Brookstone is late AGAIN!" cole apologized and went to sit next to his friends.

Cole plopped down on the seat next to jay. " SEE GUYS! IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHOSE LATE ALL THE TIME!" jay yelled pointing a finger at cole-

"Well at least he doesn't brush his teeth and eat breakfast at the same time unlike someone -_-," kai said.

"You brush your teeth and eat at the same time!?!" everyone except zane and kai yelled

"I-! well! oof fine- wellll I might ITS JUST WHEN I'M LATE THO!" cole and nya were laughing hysterically while other students gave jay weird glances. cole and nya kept laughing until the teacher snapped at them-

"MR BROOKSTONE! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? TO COME INTO MYYYY CLASS AND DISOBEY MY RULES!" cole stopped laughing immediately. miss sasha took a deep breath and then said  "Cole come sit up front here with seliel."

🌼how do you think cole will react?

🌼will cole and seliel become friends?

ninjago conia (cole x vania) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now