Missing school for a few days wasn't something you wanted to do but had to. So there you sat in your small room with a box of tissues next to you and some medicine sitting on your bedside table. Hopper had just given you before leaving for work.

"You sure you don't want me to stay?" your dad said as he leaned against the door.

You nodded, "I'll be fine."

Hopper wasn't your biological father, but he was your dad. Always had been since he took you in from Wayne. Even though you missed being there, it felt like just the same here. Also, being lucky to have El as a little sister.

You watched the older man get hesitate at first, knowing you would be home alone. He eventually left, leaving you be. There really was nothing he needed to worry about. Even with you being the oldest, you never did anything that most teenagers do.

You didn't smoke, drink or sneak out. You've never even had a first kiss yet. Not even a boyfriend. Maybe that's because your best friend was Eddie. You guys did everything together, always. Not leaving each other's side.

But that didn't seem to stop Nate Carver.

The asshole continued to get your attention any way he could. Throwing paper your way during class, leaving notes in your locker, or just randomly talking to you down the hall.

You would ignore him either way. Nate was getting annoying, and he was completely vile. Always thinking he impressed you when he didn't. You didn't understand why he was trying so hard to get your attention.

Maybe he did like you and wanted to treat you the way you deserved. Wrong. Nate was like most boys; he only wanted one thing and one thing only, sex.

"Hello, sweets," a voice said, making you look back up from the kitten sleeping on your pillow.

A big smile spread across your face seeing Eddie standing there. He had a bag full of stuff along with a cup of tea in his hands.

Eddie had been coming over every day after school to check up on you. He hated that you weren't feeling good and wanted to do everything to help. Making you soup or bringing you medicine.

Today you actually felt better than you did a few days ago. The pain in your throat was finally going away, and you didn't feel like puking every 5 minutes. It was a minor cold. You were glad to finally be able to get out of bed without feeling nauseous.

The male finally made his way over to you after he set all the goodies down on your dresser. Eddie gently handed you the cup, which you greatly took.

"Thank you, Ed's," you said, earning a gentle kiss on your forehead. You felt pink form around your face after the small exchange of affection. It wasn't anything new, but you were melting every time Eddie showed you a tiny bit of what felt like love.

But he was always like that to you. So why would it mean anything to him?

Eddie smiled at you before immediately picking up Ozzy from your pillow. As you press the cup to your lips, you stop mid way noticing Eddie's actions, "excuse you?".

You watched as your best friend looked at you as he held the kitten close. "What?".

"Stop taking my child away from me," you said before setting the cup back down. Eddie tilted his head to the side at your words.

"OUR child, for your information," he said, making you huff out some air.

You shook your head but watched in awe as Ozzy started to claw at Eddie's curly hair. At first, it was an innocent little thing, but suddenly his little paws were stuck.

𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯 | 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now