Love at First Sight

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A/N - Hi everyone! I am dedicating this Wattpad to my baefy bear Danika, and her little crushy wushy mushy boo, so don't take this seriously. :)

"UGHHH there are no cute guys at this school anymore, I miss the older guys</3", Danika said while complaining to her friend. It was true though, her school was filled with nothing but edgars and weirdos, absolutely no one to swoon her off of her feet. To make her heart flutter, to take her breath away, to make her eyes turn into hearts, to turn her face beat-red, to give her butterflies in her stomach (alright I think you get it). She's had crushes there before, but they'd always end up being all looks and no personality. Actually I take that back, they weren't looks or personality..

"Hey what happened to Aidennnnn", her friend Esra said with a wink and mock-like tone. "HEY, we don't have to mention that ugly player, that was just a phase uwu", Danika said while jokingly slapping Esra's arm. She started to think back to when she had this huge crush on this popular guy Aiden, and how she'd never go through that again. "Guys like him just have a huge ego, especially with all the girls swooning over him. Can't believe I used to be one of them...", she said while cringing. Esra and Danika started laughing over it, and while walking through the school's hauls, they bumped into Aiden and his little skater boy clan. They both gave each other a side eye, and looked back at the group. The group was taking up space in the hall, and both were waiting for them to move. "They need to move out of the dang way", Esra whispered to Danika. She nodded, and was starting to get very impatient. She finally spoke up to them, saying, "PLEASE move, we don't have all day". She felt like such a rebel at that moment. They all just stared at the two, then one of them said, "Well damn, come on guys make way for our queen", while giggling with his little friend group. Danika looked him up and down, and examined him. "He's pretty tall surprisingly, and his outfit looks decent. His hair is pretty curly, and his face is...I mean his eyes are kind of...and his smile...".  She ended up staring at him for a whole 15 seconds, and Esra grabbed her arm and lead her away from them to the girls bathroom.

"Girl you were just standing there, you okay?", she said while waving her hand in Danika's face. Danika just slapped her hand away, and asked, "Who even was that guy. The one that told all of them to move? I've never seen him before." Esra gave her a suspicious look, and answered saying, "No idea, I think his name is Marcus? Miles? Michael, something with an M". Danika was suddenly in her own little world, staring off into space. Then Esra started laughing really hard out of nowhere, catching  Danika off guard. "There's no way, do you find him cute or something? That dude literally gave you attitude, seemed pretty rude to me", while rolling her eyes. Danika quickly responded nervously, saying, "WHAT no... but I mean he did call me a queen...but like I don't think he's cute!! He seems kind of funny tho, not in that way you know? But like  did you see his smile, and his eyes? Not in a weird way though, but like...". Esra just stared at with her with a weirded out look. "Danika.... I think you may have developed a little teensy weensy crush on him..", she said while winking and placing her hands on her shoulder. Danika jokingly pushed her away, while saying, "What nooooo.....but can we make a nickname for him? You know just in case we have to mention him for some very odd reason... I was thinking that we should call him Yogurt? Until we learn his name for no particular reason, because yeahh!". Esra gave her a little smirk, saying "Ugh I knew it. I'm your best friend, I can tell when my baby Danikins falls in love. Especially the way you described him, 'H-his eyes! And his s-s-s-smile!!'". They both walked to class laughing, and Esra made fun of her that entire class.

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