New Perspective

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Michael's POV: 

"Yo let's hit the Target parking lot later and skate a lil" Aiden says while flipping his bangs out of his eyes. I dap him up and agree, wanting to take some fire photos myself and post them on the gram. We're all dragging our pants on the ground while practically wearing them under out butts and wearing baggy hoodies cuz we're cool like that. We usually like to stand in the middle of the hallway to dap up any cool kids that pass by, but the rest of the group also wants to stare at girls all day. I just don't see the hype, girls are goofy in my opinion, I'm not gay or anything though.

While standing near some lockers, the gang is talking amongst one another when suddenly I see two random girls standing near us; I think they're 8th graders I don't know. They're both looking at each other as if waiting for us to move, and the one with black hair speaks up.

"PLEASE move, we don't have all day!" she says while rolling her eyes. I just think she's being overdramatic, but I don't want to cause a seen so I get the boys to move and speak up.

"Well damn, come on guys make way for our queen," I reply while chuckling with the boys; I can't seem like I'm into her or anything so I have to chuckle. She stands there and stares at me for a good minute like a weirdo and her friend pulls her away. I overhear my friends calling her Danika and that's when I realize who she is. 

"Aiden isn't that, like, your ex talking stage lmfao," I ask, him looking down and brushing his wannabe fluffy hair away. 

"Yeah man, I don't think I fumbled though. She was a simp!," he says while the rest of the guys laugh. I lowkey cringe at his words and don't reply. He is doing too much man. Anyways, we walk to class and goof off because we're not like other guys until the end of school.


Today is a Wednesday, which is usually hella boring buy I'll thug it out. I sit through my classes and it's going as usual, then PE comes. PE is pretty fun cuz the class is huge and I have my boys with me. I walk into our crusty gym from the boys' locker room and look around. I walk towards my assigned spot and suddenly I can see someone staring at me from the corner of my eye. I turn my head to see that black haired Asian girl looking at me, and she starts looking around after we make eye contact. Kinda weird, but I just move on and sit on my spot while talking with my friends. 

The PE teacher announces that our side of the class would be going outside, and I dap up the boys before getting up and walking to the door that leads to outside. My friend stops me and talks to me for a second, and I notice the black haired girl walking towards the door. I feel kinda quirky today so I put my arm in front of her and she stops walking and looks at me.

"Oh so sorry your majesty, where are my manners?" I ask, then I bow all dramatically and the guys make fun of me. She scoffs as a joke then speaks up.

"Wow, what a gentleman!" she replies then steps outside. I walk outside after her, and my friends keep pushing me and yelling "W RIZZ". 

"Dang Michael you tryna steal Aiden's girl lmao? I think it's working dude, who knew you had rizz haha," my tiny friend says, and I just cringe and push him away.

"Bro no, I am not into her. I don't even know her name," I reply with the truth. Now that I think about it, what was her name again? Donna or Avery or something? I have no clue.

The conversation ends and we play volleyball horribly at the outside courts. We all start arguing who the best in volleyball is, which is clearly me, when suddenly another volleyball rolls towards us. Milton my homie grabs the ball and rolls it towards the other group, and they start to play again. I pay attention to how they play for a few minutes, and realize that we hella suck compared to them. It's the next person's turn to serve and I notice that the Asian girl is part of the group. I watch as bumps the ball to the other side with an underhand serve and gains a point. She isn't too bad, but I start to sorta pay attention to her and think of what Aiden might have seen in her.

I mean, her looks are alright and she has nice hair? I don't know, Aiden always talked about their conversations but never about what he liked about her. She's also okay at sports, and she's actually kinda tall but in a good way, so those could be things he liked. Their convos seemed boring though, and I could tell she was carrying all the energy because Aiden is hella dry. 


It's pretty early in the morning and I have to drive to school unfortunately. My mom drops me off by the teen center next to school and I walk inside to meet up with Aiden and the guys. We all decide to play some basketball and I realize that most of them should stick to skateboarding because they suck. After about 20 minutes, we decide to head to the school and just walk around since there's still 10 minutes left before the bell rings. We're walking from the cafeteria door towards the school gate and I notice the same girl walking from that direction. 

She's sorta walking weird but whatever, and suddenly she trips on literal air and falls down in front of us. Aiden notices and starts laughing at her along with the rest of the guys. I lowkey feel embarrassed for her so I don't want to laugh or anything but the guys look at me and they'd think I'm corny so I just laugh a little. I look at her again and she's giving us a dirty look before walking away. '

"Man that was kinda embarrassing," Aiden says while continuing to walk. The guys laugh in unison and I just cringe again.

"Aiden didn't you trip yesterday because you accidentally stepped on your skateboard?" I reply and the guys laugh again, this time at him. I expect him to laugh too since it's a joke, but he actually gives me this really weird look. I can't tell what he's even feeling, but he looks pissed. I just shrug it off and we finally head to 1st period.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 30 ⏰

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