part 2

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Okay Ena. You have to put it together.
I say to myself , looking at the mirror while placing the usual white bow.
Today is the day we're going for a 'tour' , again, I'm a lil bit nervous but it's just because I don't know where we're going!? Mizuki promised that they won't take me to a sacry place, but honestly I'm a tad skeptical.
I really feel like everyone's making fun of me sometimes, am I really that gullible? Do people pity me? Stop it. Get this thoughts out of your head. Get out of my head! I'm so tired of just being a filler. Maybe I can't come with art because art has meaning, if I am empty inside, maybe that's the reason my art looks empty, souless. I don't really have nothing to express but embarassment for myself that I try to hide with anger. Maybe my hatred for other really is disguised hatred for myself.
Get out of my head.
I need to hurry up or i'll be late.
I say goodbye to my Mother and get away from the house, only to see Mizuki in a bicycle? I just never thought a Nightcord user could actually do execerise💀.
"I'm sorry" I apologize shyly. "But what are you doing outside my house and why did you bring that?, I thought we were going by train."I kind of complain."Ohoho" they mocked. "Enanan doesn't do exercise?" I looked at them angrily half jokingly. "But don't you worry my princess, you won't have to do anything" I blushed at the comment but tried to keep my face straight. "You'll be in the back! I'll do the hard work." I was a little bit surprised, they're so gentlemanly sometimes It really is unexpected. "Oh , uh thank you I guess" I beam. They really are so kind I just want to wrap them around my arms. Wait what the actual hell did I just think. I avert those thought and got in the back seat of the bike.
Mizuki look at me , "Ena, the seat may move a little bit so in case you're worried about getting hurt you can grab me". "Thank you so much for being so caring" I warmheartedly sighed.
"Did my gentleness struck you? I'm delighted misses Enanan" they jokedmischeviously smirking.
"Let's just go."
"Yes m'aam!!"
They start pedaling, and I'm not sure if this was because of the seat that was really loose or my crippling need for hugging Mizuki, but I grabed their waist. I could see the astonishment on their eyes , but they smiled warmly and continued. However, I felt lost. They aren't stunned anymore , but right now I think I am. There's always something about their eyes... usually, making eye contact is the ugliest thing in the world, so akward, and I think it is akward to Mizuki right now that I can't take my eyes off theirs. I don't know what is it, but there's always something about them that captures me, I pressume it's their makeup. Or maybe their eyelashes and the ethereal movement of them batting... or maybe the depth they have, the glimmer of emotion but also the counterpart of the unknown behind them that I want to discover. Maybe I keep thinking about the time they spent mastering the art they create with their makeup, how every glitter is precisely placed to come up with such a perfect composition that constrast with the pink blossom tone of their almost almond eyes that luster like a pair of stars.
Okay maybe I spent to much time. analizing... because I lost track of it by the change of shades in their eyes that reflected the enviroment, and we've already stopped. I don't think it is a scary place, luckily.
A lavender setting suddently envelops me, it's so... dazzling. I can't find the correct words to describe such an appealing place.
Mizuki turns their head to smile warmly and I can't help but smile at their beautiful face. I want Mizuki to smile like that.
"Where are we?" I asked in a gentle tone while I smile lightly. "It's a vivarium!" They explain enthusiastic. "I-it looks so... amazing" I stutter. "I'm glad you like it! Now let's go in." They grab my hand ohmygodmohmygod but I'm not homosexual??? Well, maybe I feel something special for Mizuki but that's because they are my friend!
I'm thinking nonsense, let's just focus on this moment and cherish it.
The place is full of plants and flowers, it's all full of beautiful colors that make a stunning conposition, it could also make a nice color pallete for the art for the new Nightcord MV!
"Hey Enanan aren't the colors beautiful?" "Yes they are" I smiled sweetly.
"H-hey, what if we make flower bouquets for each other? Like inspired..." Mizuki asks with a surprisingly shy tone.
"I love the idea" even though they are sometimes annoying in the end they are so sweet, like honey... and I really- love that.

《♡》 Mizuki's POV:
Well , this is my big opportunity!! I'm really into flower lenguage and since Ena is the artistic type of person I'm sure she'll understand the meaning of them!
So... a red daisy chrysanthemum, it means uncouncious beauty, I think it fits Ena, she's so pretty but I don't think she always knows that, and it also represents her art, it's so beautiful but she always keeps looking for mistakes to fix.
A pua lulu, it means from heaven... I sometimes relate Ena to that idea. I'm not really a Christian but she's like an angel, she saves me. So I'll also add that.
A vanilla aromatica for her, not only she smells like sweet vanilla, but it represents innocence and purity. It is also told that it has secret powers like energy, love and mental clarity and I really want Ena to have that.
(So maybe it's boring to read all this stuff so I'll just weite down what they made)

Mizuki -> Ena
Red daisy chrysanthemum , uncouncious beauty
Pua Lulu , from heaven
Vanilla aromática innocence and purity, love , energy and mental clarity

Ena's Pov:
Heh... as an artist I think I am entitiled to make an aesthetically beautiful bouquet. I saw some on pinterest for inspiration a while ago! Pink tulips remind me of Mizuki, they look like their eyes. So I guess I can combine them with different colors... let's make it like a sunset! With some orange ones, yellow and some white ones to represent stars.
It looks amazing! Instaworthy.
So I grabbed my phone , took a pic and added some filters to upload it

I'm pretty proud of this one.

"Enanan!!!" I heard their voice and turned my head

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"Enanan!!!" I heard their voice and turned my head . "Are you finished?" They asked. "Yeah, let me just..." I took a white lace with red hearts and wrapped it around the flowers.
"Let's count to three and show them!"
"Okay." I'm pretty sure they'll like it.
"One" I said.
"Two" they smiled.
And "three" we both convey.
I showed my bouquet and they showed theirs, we carefully exanged them frim hand to hand. I looked at it. "Wow... it's so graceful." Then my eyes waver to Mizuki's face. They are quiet and their face looks flustered.
"I-- uhhh" they yelp. "I don't know if I can correspond them"
"What?" They flee.
Did I do something? Maybe it's a prank? I'm worried.

Mizukis POV:

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