Start from the beginning

He stands up. "Follow me," he says as he walks away.

I follow and though it's curiosity that spurs me on, I'm nevertheless warming to his presence. Just behind him I carry after and he leads the way to a tall mountain. From there he gazes down at the world below and I do so as well. It's such a swirling of color and activity. One day, I will visit it, once I've worked up the nerve

"Pretty, isn't it?" he asks and casts an eye my way.

I have no response as I haven't the words.

"Though not as pretty as the stars," he remarks and cups his chin . "It is far more interesting."

I know what he's talking about. I've spent countless hours looking down at the world.

"Wouldn't you like to come with me?" his question takes me completely by surprise and he turns to focus upon me.

"What?" is all I can muster as my mind flashes upon the query.

"Wouldn't you like to come with me?" he repeats and offers his hand "That is, wouldn't you like to come with me and go down there?"

I look at his extended finger, pointing to the vibrant, colorful land below. I have seen it countless times before, but it isn't until he showed me that I see the rich tapestry unfold.

"Could you take me there?" I ask and place my hand near to my mouth.

"Indeed I could..." he returns before a thought occurs to him. "Dear lady, what is your name?"

"I haven't one," I return in a simple, matter-of-fact fashion and feel a bit more sheepish.

"Would you like me to give you one?" he offers as he extends a hand.

I nod with great exuberance and take hold of his palm.

He thinks for a moment. "How about Lunas?" he suggests and draws me close and it feels as though a chain has released itself from my body.

"I would like that very much," I speak with enthusiasm, practically bursting from within, though a single, lingering thought has yet to be dealt with. ""And what am I to call you?"

"My name is Heliot," he returns as he beams with pride.

"Heliot, that is a wonderful name," I respond in kind as I smile. "But I have one better."

"And what is that?" he queries with genuine interest and flashes a smile.

"Father!" I burst as I throw my arms around his neck.

We both melt into each other's embrace and remain that way for some time. But then it's time to go as there is more to my family than just a father and it's time for me to meet them. We depart and fly down to the planet below, where we make our way to the top of a large mountain, bigger than any on my glowing rock, to a structure carved of its living stone. Here we alight and enter within.

"Wait right here," he politely commands me and indicates a spot. "I'll introduce you, when the time is right."

I stay where my father told me to stand and peer from behind the pillars. There are a lot of strange people, are they all my family? The first to draw my eye is a woman, silver draping her body and pale white skin. She looks like me, what with my white luminescent skin and dark blue almost black garb. The other woman stands outside of the rest and the look on her face is deeply agitated. She's next to an empty seat, but doesn't sit down.

Beside her sits another woman, this one with dark blue draping her body and light blue skin. On the other side is a man with black draping his body and a bright red body. Next to him is a strong woman with brown draping her body and dark grey skin. Beside her stands a girl with dark green draping her body and pale green skin. In the center of all sits a man, upon a throne, His body draping is bright white and his skin is pale grey.

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