Incorrect Quotes pt who knows anymore

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Jill: Hey Chef

Chef: *sighs* what?

Jill: Why is dark spelled with a 'K' and not a 'C'

Chef: *not in the mood for jokes* Why?

Jill: Because you can't C in the dark! Get it?

Chef: *lightly hits Jill with pan*

Jill: AHHHHH! BARDLE! .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠'⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠'⁠·⁠.

Bardle: CHEF!!

Chef: *It was at this moment that he knew h e f u c k e d u p*

Jack: K thanks Dad

Everyone: *stops what they're doing and looks over at Jack and Bardle*

Jack: Why is everyone staring at me?

Jill: You just called Bardle dad, you said "Thanks Dad"

Jack: No I didn't, I said "Thanks Man"

Bardle: Do you see me as a father figure, Sullivan?

Jack: No if anything I see you as a BOTHER figure, cause your always bothering me.

Dirk: HEY! show your father some respect!


Bardle: No, No, no, Jack, I take it as a compliment

Jill: It's not a big deal, I called June mom once and she's my best friend.

Jack: Guys jump on that! Jill has mommy issues.

Jill: so do you

June: Old news, but you calling Bardle "Daddy"

Jack: Hey, Daddy, is not on the table here.

B̶a̶r̶n̶e̶y̶ Thrull: You did call him dad, dude.

Quint: You shut up, you've done nothing but lie since we met you.

Thrull: Okay, Okay, I was lying about the book, but the dad thing, that happened.

Jack: AH HA! He admitted that the book was a lie, it was a trap. All part of my crazy, devious, plan.

Bardle: I believe you

Jack: thank you

Bardle: Son, you wanna talk about it later over a, game of catch?

Jack: I'd like that.


Dirk: I'm just cooking pizza *accidentally hits Jill with pan*


Dirk: Oh crud, are you okay!?

Jill: ow


Jack and Jill: * Walks up to Bardle* Daddy?

Bardle: Uh, Yeah!

(Yes Jill and Jack forced Bardle Or T-pose)

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(Yes Jill and Jack forced Bardle Or T-pose)

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