The words shoot at him like thousands of daggers, piercing through his heart. Yes, he knows without a doubt that James never likes him but hearing it coming from James himself is like twisting the knife in an already open wound. He just stands there facing the door, feet nailed to the ground like a statue. It isn't the first time that James had said things that hurt him but it hurts the same everytime he does and it's not that he can't get used to it but it's the fact that everytime it happens, he's slapped with the realization of how James will never accept his existence in the family.

Nunew hears soft patting sounds against his window and walks over toward it, peeking through the curtains to see that it has started to drizzle.

"Perfect time to go for a walk." He carves a sad smile. He walks out of his bedroom, down the flight of stairs, and passes by the living room straight toward the main door. Part of him is glad that his mother is out of town for a few days, work related. She would've insisted Foei to accompany him for the walk since it's almost midnight—which he would be thankful for if it was any other day—but today he just wants to be alone. But as he opens the door, Foei comes running over toward him, stumbling over his own steps on the way over.

"Khun Nunew, are you going out somewhere? Do you want me to take you?" Foei asks as he pushes his glasses up his nose. "It's almost midnight, I don't think Ma'am would let you go out alone if she knows."

"It's okay Foei, I'm just gonna take a walk around here." Nunew smiles, assuring him.

Foei stretches his neck, peeking out the door. "But it's raining."

Nunew fetches an umbrella from the rack by the door and holds it up in a matter-of-factly way.

"Oh, of course," Foei laughs over his own silliness. "Umbrellas are invented for a reason."

Nunew can't help but smiles at Foei's behavior.  One thing he likes about Foei is that he can cracks people up even in the toughest situation. "Don't worry I won't be long. Just needs some fresh air for a few minutes."

Foei nods. He knows there's no point arguing with Nunew to ask him to stay. Only his Mama can persuade him to do so and he only ever listens to her. He might look like an obedient kid but he's stubborn in his own way. Besides, he's not a kid anymore, he's all grown up now so Foei knows he can look after himself and it's not the first time he goes out alone at night and walks around in the rain.

"Call me if you need any help." Foei says and Nunew nods in reply. "I'll be there right away."

Nunew walks out the main gate and down the quiet street. It's total darkness outside and if it's not because of the street lights Nunew won't be able to see a thing. Plus it's raining so there isn't a single stars in the sky and even the moon is in hiding. It starts with a drizzle but it slowly becoming heavier by the minute and he could feel the temperature dropping drastically making his hair stands on end. But he likes it. He likes the cold that embraces him and though he's sheltering under the umbrella he's holding, it still feels like the rain is washing away his sorrow. He finds serenity in the rain like he can just be himself without having to worry about anything. He feels free. And even if he cries, no one would pay attention because everyone is too busy finding shelter or rushing off to get home.

Nunew's phone rings in his pocket as he kicks at the rain puddles by the curb as he walks and watches the water splashing off in different directions, wetting his slippers. He looks down at his phone and quickly answers it when he sees "Mama" flashing across the screen.

"Hey, sweetheart" His mother's soft calming voice greets him.

"Hi Mama."

"Are you outside? Why do I hear loud noises? Is it raining?"

"Yes Mama. I'm actually on my way to the convenience store to buy some snacks."

"In the heavy rain? Why didn't you ask Foei to drive you, honey?"

"It only started raining when I'm already half way there." He lies. "And I just feels like walking in the rain."

"Are you okay, Nhu? Did you had a fight with James again?" His mother asks, shocking him.

Is this what they call the mother instinct? He wonders. There's a brief silence before he replies. "No, no we didn't. I'm okay Mama, really. Don't worry okay?"

"You sure? Because you're usually out in the rain if there's something bothering you. You know you can tell me anything."

"I'm okay, Mama." He convinces. "The shop is just round the corner so I don't wanna trouble Foei. And I really just feels like walking, that's all."

His mother sighs from the other end of the line. "If you say so." She knows exactly Nunew is lying but if he doesn't want to tell her she's not going to push him. She understands that Nunew can be secretive at times and she doesn't blame him for it. After a brief silence she says, "Take care of yourself na. I'll be home in a few days. Don't play in the rain too long you gonna catch a cold and I won't be there to cook a nice hot porridge for you."

Nunew finds himself smiling at how sweet his mother is. Even though she's miles away he can still vividly feel her love and care toward him. Talking to his mother somehow manages to lift off his sadness a little.

"I will, Mama." He replies. "You take care too out there. Hope you're not homesick."

His mother laughs at the joke he pulls and part of her relieved to hear he sounds a bit better now. "I'll try not to. Mama love you na."

"Love you too, Mama." He responds before ending the call and stuffs his phone back in his pocket. As the rain get intense and the wind get stronger, he decides to eventually go back home. It's getting harder to see in the heavy rain and the lower parts of his pants has already gotten soaking wet. He contemplates whether to call Foei to come pick him up but since he's already half wet, he might as well just walk home. He decides to take the shorter way home instead of going back the way he came only to see that the path is pitch black without a single streak of lights. The street lights along the way are not functioning probably because of short-wired caused by the heavy rain. He's not sure if it's the cold or the dark narrow road literally just gives him chills.

"Okay, I'm calling Foei." He decides. As he's struggling to hold the umbrella against the strong wind while trying to pull out his phone, someone grabs and pulls him into one of the dark alley, forcefully shoving him against the wall. His phone fell off along with his umbrella, blown away by the strong wind. A cold sharp metal is pressed against his throat and he let out a gasp, too stunt to say a word. It's too dark for him to see the stranger's face and he's wearing a hoodie over his head. But when the lightning strikes, that's when he sees, for a fleeting second, a pair of dark menacing eyes looking straight back at him, sending shivers all over his already trembling body.

The rain pours over them, soaking every inch of their body, water dripping from their faces and their hair, seeping into their eyes but none of them moves. Nunew struggles to keep his eyes open and his chest heaving from fear and coldness, feet rooted to the ground. Just when he thought he's going to die in the hands of a stranger, the sharp knife is pulled away from him slowly like he's having a second thought. Nunew takes the chance and starts to make a run for it but he's grabbed again from behind. A strong arm wraps around him and this time the stranger presses a cloth over his mouth and nose. He tries to struggle out of the man's strong hold but fails miserably. So he musters up all his strength and swing his elbow backwards as hard as he can, hitting the man's rib. He groans in pain and his hold around Nunew loosens. Nunew frees himself and tries to run but the chemical has started taking affect over him. His vision starts to get blurry and his steps aren't stable. He leans against the wall for support as he walk for a brief second before stumbling over, falling onto the ground. For the first time in his life, he hates the rain. It's not making it any easier for him to escape and even if he screams no one would hear him over the loud pouring sound.

He tries pushing himself back up from the ground but the stranger is quicker. He goes over and covers Nunew's mouth and nose again with the chloroformed cloth. Nunew take hold of his arm, trying to pull it off of him but he's getting weaker as he breathes in more and more of the chemical over his nose. He still tries to fight his way out, not giving up but after a few minutes of kicking and thrashing around, his body goes limp as the darkness takes over and everything turns black.

Enemies And Allies (ZeeNuNew AU)Where stories live. Discover now