Chapter Five

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Ethan's POV
The sound of my brother's loud stomping gives me a jolt of fear. It's still dark outside, and the sun hasn't even risen yet.

I check my clock to find it's five in the morning, we're supposed to wake up at six, which means that I still get one hour of sleep! Groaning I get up from my bed unwillingly, if he's up to something, I can't afford buying another house. Grudgingly, my feet drag me to the noise and I stop in his room, hands in my pockets and a scowl on my face.

Victor, who's my twin brother, looks at me innocently with his green eyes that we both share, we're identical, very identical, that is hard to tell us apart.
Victor takes a jump and catches a book from its top to which it falls from the high shelf to the ground with a thud. He picks it up and shrugs at me as he gets back in his bed. Moments like these make me wonder why I'm still living with him.

"You need anything?" he says lowly.
"Why are you up? And why did you wake me?" I say groaning.
"I've been up all night, and I needed a book to help me sleep. You can go continue your precious sleep,"
I use all my patience not to throw another book at his face.

I obviously can't go back to sleep, so I make a mug of coffee and take it to my room, and slowly drink it until it's time to get up and go to work. My bed is still cozy, so I climb with my hot cup and lay my back on the headboard; three sips in and I feel the drowsiness escape my eyes.

I open the drawer beside my bed and take out the sketches I'll be working on today, along with Victor who kept his ideas with me to present them today after we spent an entire week planning and scratching on paper.

We're both fashion designers, working in a small company called 'Varon', when I say we share the same things, I mean we actually share almost everything beside our rooms and taste in movies.

Today I'll be working on a neat backless, black dress, tight on the waist. I considered to make it v-lined, but then I swapped the fabrics on the shoulders to make it represent an 'x' on the chest and a bit tight on the throat, but not too much that it would make the model suffocate.

On this part of fabric I'll leave it with just a pop of gold, I don't want to add more to it, in case I ruin it. I have a chaotic history before I worked in 'Varon', in a very popular city, not so far away from my house, a famous company I worked in.

Every time I added colors to a dress I made, my horrible boss would order me to rip it apart and start a new one. I learned her interests in making the sleeves puffier and with fur in winter, and glittery in summer.

Eventually I was fired for my poor taste and then found this job shortly afterwards to which I'm very grateful for, since my brother also helped me get a job with him.

Looking at my alarm, I find it's already six-thirty. I call Victor to get ready and jump out of my bed to do my morning routine. Thirty minutes later, I grab my lunch and my sketches from the counter and hop into my car with my brother.

It takes us twenty minutes to get to work, I park close to the building and walk past the empty hall. I hope after our designs, Varon will decorate this place up, I murmur a good morning to a few people and walk to the designer's room and head to my table.

Getting out a few pieces of fabric, I start stitching my design. A couple of cuts here and there, needles pinning on the fabric, and a dust of royal gold. My fellow colleagues are heard scowling, others sighing tiredly, and a few are satisfied.

It's not that they're horrible, but we're currently short on fabric, and the company can't afford rich silks.

"Looking good," I hear my friend say.
I look at my right, where Nathan Bark, a tall young man, in his mid-twenties, black hair, dark brown eyes, a visible scar on the side of his forehead is proudly shown, to which he finds entertainment in telling the story of how he was attacked by his cousin when they were children, playing with shattered beverage bottles.

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