Aunt's Of Manila

336 11 24


This is only a fiction chapter dont take it seriously!


*It is tuesday today and irene have woken up late because of their love making with sofia and she eated her b breakfast*

*sofia had take a bath and her clothes a bit boyish*

*while irene is fixing herself because she will meet her friends*

(Tita's Of Manila)

*when irene was done, she wear a fitted red dress*

Irene:wow your so boyish sofia!

Sofia:of course lets go now maybe we will be late.

Irene:okay.. oh shit we didn't have any driver!!

Sofia:i would like to be a driver for you M'lady.

Irene:*giggle's*  okay mr sofia

*And they laugh*

*sofia opend the car door for irene and sofia drived the car*

*they are in  the resto and they saw inside irene's friend*

*irene's friends are small,alice,melba,dawn and more friends*

*beso beso with her friends*

Small:oh hello dear... who's this pretty lady?

Irene:oh this is sofia dela cruz dear.

Alice:oh hello irene wait dela cruz?.Is this the daughter of marie.

Sofia:ye si am Ms.Alice Is nice to meet you.

*sofia and small,alice,dawn,melba had a handshake*

Dawn:your so pretty sofia.Irene,Sofia have a sit

*irene and sofia had a sit and irene pushes the chair of sofia to be stick with her.And sofia was choked*

Sofia:oh my!

Small:are you okay sofia?

Sofia:y-yes im okay Ms.Small im just shocked.

Small:Okay *smiles*

Sofia:*smiles back*

*irene is very mad because small is kinda flirting on sofia*

(Irene's mind:dont you dare flirt with my darling girl small!!)

Dawn:oh guys lets go eat!

Small:yeah i wish there's letchon right sofia?

Sofia:y-yes ms small.....

Alice:lets go na guys

*they are in a line alic eis the first second is irene third is sofia fourth is small and fifth is dawn and  the other friends*

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