Unexpected visitors - Prologue

Start from the beginning

All eyes are pointed at Octavious from 616.

Octavious: My best work ever I'll say. You pathetic heroes are nothing but egoistic and selfish people in costumes. I'm a true savior, a Superior force to be recond with.

Many of the people that knew Peter had their heads down for not believing in him.

Valerie: Mom I told you that wasn't Uncle Peter doing all those bad things. You should know him better than that.

Susan (616) : *tears up* Your right, I should have known him better. He wouldn't bring any actual harm.

Captain America (616): We messed up big time.

Nick (1610): You mother f**kers actually thought he changed for the worst. *looks at 616* Hope that these yous are at least capable of using a single brain cell. *Deadpool wipes his tears in a corner proud*

Black Cat (1610): But the better question is why is Peter absent?

This raises a lot of interest and questions.

Spider woman (616): It's not normal for Peter to leave the city unattended. *holding Gerry*

One day, he faced a challenge so hard he resorted to require help from an old "ally". Otto Octavious gave his life so Peter could save the day, admitted that Parker is superior to him not by mind, but the will to keep fighting when all seems lost. After getting his body back, Peter wanted to fix what Otto did. The damage was done. The Avengers had him kick out not because they didn't believe him, but because they're not sure to trust him. Although a few were on guard if tried anything out of character. He was at least glad they accepted the idea of mind swapping. With the X-men and Defenders is was the same, only Daredevil and Wolverine had actual trust in him. His family along with the Fantastic Four believed him, Reed did a brain scan to make sure Peter was Peter and that there was nothing left of Octavious.

Matt and Logan (616) smiled that their alternates selves has gained back the Spiders trust.

Octavious: There is no way that I'll admit Parker being Superior.

Kraven: You just did Octopus, every villain here has heard.

Nick (1610): At least these b***hes are acknowledging the idea of mind swapping. *facing the heroes* You all live in a world of high tech gadgets, aliens, gods, I can keep going on mother f**kers, but something as simple as mind swapping is an impossibility?

Nick (616): Just so you know, I am not apart of this little charade. Busy with a mission and mistakenly left a dictator in charge of my absence. *looks at Hill*

Benjamin (616): May, are you OK? *sees his wife crying*

May (616): NO! I disowned Peter after that, what he did to me, thought everything we taught him was in vain. I EVEN TOLD HIM THAT IT WAS HIS FAULT FOR YOUR DEATH! *breaks down*

Her outburst got all of the attention, the ones who were most surprised were Peter's parents from 616 and his alternative family from 1610.

Benjamin (616): *hugs her* You were in desperation and confusion. I don't really believe that you meant all that to Peter. We all make mistakes, we just need to learn to fix and better ourselves. *Richard, Mary, Teresa, Kaine, and Ben joined in on the hug to console her*

The city on the other hand, hadn't gotten over the Superior event.

It left scars on the city and a certain someone couldn't waste this opportunity to bad mouth Spider-Man even more. Make him look like the worst of the worst for every single person to see. J Johna Jamison, the one I charge of the Daily Bugle, has finally got a chance to put Spider-Man out for good all these years. (In this version, Johna only criticized Spidey due to his lack of trust in this masked mysterious hero).

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