L looked up warily. "What is it?"

Light pointed onscreen at a list he had just highlighted. It contained names of the recently deceased. "All of them were prominent Japanese businessmen," he explained. "CEOs whose companies are leaders in their respective industries. In just over a month, they all died of heart attacks."

L had wheeled his chair closer. He stared at Light's computer screen.

"As expected," Light continued, "There's been a general downturn in the market. But," And here he made some rapid clicks and pulled up a chart, "There's been one company that has been the exception. Yotsuba." The chart was a stock market graph, detailing the recent rise in profits for the company called the Yotsuba Group. "In other words," Light went on, "These deaths have all worked in Yotsuba's favor. Looking back, there've been thirteen similar deaths in the past three months. Thoughts?" He looked pointedly at L and, before the detective could speak, added, "Based on this, I can only conclude that Kira is supporting Yotsuba."

"Yes," said L slowly, thumbing the side of his mouth in thought as he continued to stare at the graph. "But...if what you're saying is true, we must assume that punishing criminals is not this Kira's intent."

"Right. It's just a diversion from the fact that he's actually killing people for the benefit of this company." Light turned to L then, and a small grin came upon his face when he saw the intense look that was on L's. "So...are you feeling a bit more motivated now?"

Jubilee stumbled into the main room the next morning, groggy and disgruntled from a night of restless sleep and fitful dreams that she couldn't quite remember. Stepping out of the elevator with her were Chief Yagami and Officer Mogi, who had been stern and silent during the entire ride down. As the elevator doors closed behind them, they were met with an ecstatic greeting from Matsuda.

"Hey—Chief!" cried the younger officer as he bounded over. "Oh, you too, Mogi and Miss Julie. I've got some great news." He thrust bundles of documents into their hands. "This is amazing!" he continued to babble. "I'm not even sure how he figured it out, but Light has the theory that Kira is somehow involved with the Yotsuba group." He gestured at the evidence on the print outs that they were holding, then grinned at them. "Can you believe it?"

The three newcomers looked stunned. "Yotsuba?" echoed the Chief.

Jubilee stared at the charts and lists of names in her hands as she processed this information, a strange sense of déjà vu coming over her. This all looked familiar somehow.

"I see," she heard the Chief muttering. "It all makes sense." He strode forward, raising his voice to make his next words heard to everybody. "I just spoke with the director of NPA." Heads turned in his direction at this announcement. "It seems," he continued, "That Kira has offered to bribe a number of politicians. As long as the NPA agrees not to pursue him anymore, he promises not to lay a hand on any of them. And..." He paused briefly, then declared more quietly, "And they accepted. The police have caved in to him."

General alarm swept through the room. There was a dark anxiety that crept in alongside it which made Jubilee feel uneasy.

Chief Yagami went on. "Mogi and I have already made up our minds on this matter. Aizawa, Matsuda." He turned to the two other officers. "If you wish to continue working on this case...you will have to hand in your letter of resignation to the NPA. Just as Mogi and I are going to do."

The two other officers gaped at the Chief. He gave them a look tinged with sympathy.

"I'm sorry," he said. "But, like it or not...you cannot pursue Kira as a member of the police force anymore."

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