Two Down Eleven To Go...

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Joel's Pov 

Scott decided to send me and Jimmy to go convince Joey to not join Xornoth but instead stay on our side. Bad idea, not the plan but sending that dumb Cod Boy with me instead of anyone else like seriously. I've seen him eat slime! Regardless we were just about to enter the jungle when we realised that we had not weapons.

Joel - UGHH! We didn't bring tools we now have to go back!

There was a couple moments of silence as I  started fiddling with my pockets trying to find my map. I was expecting Jimmy to get into the boat since he needed to check the current but he just stood there.

Jimmy - J-J-Joel!

Joel - What!?

I was annoyed because I had been stuck listening to Jimmy moan for the last two hours. I finally looked up at him to see that he had gone incredibly pale and was in a state of shock, his finger was pointed behind me. I looked around but I saw nothing.

Joel - Jimmy can you stop trying to distract me!

Jimmy - Its Xornoth! I know you can't see him but he is there!

Joel - Yeah righ-

An arm grabbed me out of nowhere and shoved some kind of potion down my throat. I then fell to the ground with a hard thump. I looked up at the person just to see it was Joey but he seemed different. His eyes were now a bloody red and his body was covered in black scars, he also had a crown placed perfectly on his head. 

From the corner of my eye I could see Jimmy diving in the ocean, escaping... I felt angry that he just left me and didn't even try to help. I wanted to get up and yell at him as much as I could but instead I felt dizzy and ill. Joey started to laugh. As the world got darker his laugh did too, quieter and quieter it got until I could not hear it anymore. I couldn't see anything either. I had passed out...

Xornoth's Plan | Empires S1 | Tw's in desc |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz