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As soon as I leave the room I start having a panic attack I run to the toilet and cry until I hear a voice
"Messi come out are u OK?
I walk out and ran into his arms
"Wht if I killed him for running away early.
It's my fault he's in the hospital but he won't accept it"
"Neymar will be ok he's always fighting he'll fight for this because he loves u we are going to go to sleep and than come back "
"No buts of ifs"
We walk out the toilets and I try cover my face so it dont look like I've been crying when we get to his car I lay in the back silently crying and I fell asleep I felt abit of movement a bit later but didn't wake up
A few hours later I woke up

I'm leaving u there I'll defo make another tmr cya if u have ideas for more part pls feel free to share

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