"Frigid Cap" - Page 10

Start from the beginning

I was more at ease, looking at her in a delighted way as there was no chance that he would come back, really glad about that information as I nodded.

- "Although you should rest, you still are in an awful shape." she said in a concerned way as she sighed slightly, placing her arms in front of her as I just let out a slight chuckle at her concerns.

- "Don't worry, Sinister will take care of me... I just know it." I muttered as I looked back at my husband, seeing how happy he was with our son as I just couldn't help but feel a wave of relief... It was all over, I could finally rest.

She nodded as she waved to all of us, walking away as she disappeared through her own portal, letting me breath heavily as I walked back to Sinister and collapsed in his arms.

- "Woah there, honey, are you alright?" he inquired in a surprised tone as he chuckled softly, embracing me in a warm hug as I just smiled at him, my wings retracting slightly as I hugged him back.

- "More than ever..." I softly muttered as I looked up at him before I brought my head closer to his, wrapping my arms around his neck as I could feel his warm breathe slowly brushing against my cold skin...

...Before kissing him gently as I pressed my - invisible - lips against his, truly appreciating the moment as I just couldn't get enough of this, feeling my body completely at peace now...

- "Get a room, lovebirds," exclaimed Sledger in a sarcastic, yet lighthearted way as he glared at both of us, crossing his arms in front of him as it just made me chuckle slightly.

- "We will, you rascal," Sinister playfully responded as he let out a soft laugh, looking at me with a soft and loving gaze as he let go of me "Although you should rest," he plead gently as he gently brushed his hand against my cheek, making me chuckle slightly.

- "Yeah, I probably should..." I said in a quite tired and worn out tone, still quite visibly happy as I gently kissed him again before getting off of him, walking inside the cabin as I got inside my room and quickly fell headfirst on my bed.

I groaned slightly as I took off my clothes, keeping my shorts and t-shirt as I threw the rest on a chair nearby, getting comfortable on the bed as I let out another sigh, today surely was a blessed day...

...and if it couldn't get any better, I felt a presence behind my enlacing me into a warm embrace as they laid down with me on the bed, letting me groan slightly in happiness as I turned around, seeing Sinister as I smiled at him.

- "You're also tired, big guy?" I muttered playfully as I got closer to him, resting my head against his pectorals as one of my wing wrapped around him, bringing him closer to me as I could feel the warmth radiating from his body.

- "Mhh... I quite am, Sledger went to play with Toxic Gunner, so we have some time for ourselves..." he whispered gently as we were nearly intertwined, looking up at him as I could feel myself slowly growing drowsy in his arms.

- "Well... That'll have to wait, because I just want to rest with you..." I asked softly as my request almost sounded like a demand, slowly drifting off to sleep as I could hear Sinister chuckle and agree with me, our bodies softening as we drifted off to sleep...

This felt too good to be true, but it was true, I was loved and accepted and it was all because of him... Everything positive that happened here was because of him...

I loved him.




Author's Note: Heya y'all, what a long ride this was, wasn't it? Seriously, my studies have been dragging this story forever... But it's finally done, or at least for my point of view.

There are a few reasons why it took so long, and no, it's not just laziness... (Don't worry, I excepted that to happen... =^=)

The first reason being that I struggled to remain the TDS community, it has become quite toxic from what I've noticed - in an outsider's perspective - as I just decided to grow out of this game.

Don't get me wrong, I still am grateful for everything that this game has done for me, you guys has shaped my way forever and I am forever grateful for that...

I will continue to remain THE Frost Spirit as it's - kinda my identity on social media - but it doesn't mean that I still stick with this community any longer.

HOWEVER, fear not, starving viewers... I WILL continue to write fics about those gays... Just not as often, and besides another TD game was brought to my attention (coughs coughs TDX coughs coughs) and the possibilities with those men - not including EDJ... At least not yet - are endless.

Anywho, see you on the flip side everyone and take care everyone! ❄️

"Sinister Frostbite" - Frost Spirit x Lord SinisterWhere stories live. Discover now