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Summary: you are jealous of a fan


The concert is over and your boyfriend's band is taking pictures with their fans outside the building.

You fight you way through the crowd to Will. To get his attention, you grab his shoulder. "Will, do you need something to drink?" You ask him because you are worried about his health.

Will turns his head to you. "That would be nice. Thanks, honey." You make your way into the building.

You go through a few doors until you arrive in a room where there is a table with water bottles. You grab one and walk back the same way.

As you leave the building you look at Will. In front of him is a woman. An attractive woman.

It's not unusual for Will to be around beautiful women, but this time it's different. The way this woman looks at Will. She smiles seductively at him. In addition, her hand is on his upper arm. She wants something from Will, you think.

Will smiles at her and seems to see no problem with this woman touching his arm all the time.

Your grip on the water bottle tightens and you walk angrily to the two.

"Here!" You hold out the water bottle to him dismissively. He accepts it with a smile. When he sees your angry expression, it disappears. His smile, which you always found beautiful.

"What happened Y/N?" You don't answer him, just turn around and leave. Behind you, you hear Will apologizing. You enter the building and go to the room where you got the water bottle.

The door slams shut behind you. You stand still in the room. Tears run down your cheeks. You wipe them away with your hands.

The door opens behind you. "What's wrong Y/N?" You hear Will ask.

A soft sob escapes from your mouth and immediately you feel two arms wrap around you from behind. Will puts his head on your shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" You look down. At his arms that are around you. You put your hands on them and run your fingers along his tattoos. Goosebumps appear. "Y/N?"

He waits for your answer. It is quiet. Only your sobs can be heard. Will can't stand your sobs anymore and turns you around to face him in his arms.

When he sees your teary eyes, his heart breaks. He hates to see you like this. He just wants you to be happy.

"Honey." He puts his hands around your face and wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. His face is desperate. He doesn't know what to do.

His only idea is to give you a gentle kiss on the nose. Whenever he does that to you, you laugh. He hopes that it will have the same effect now. And he is happy when he sees a slight smile on your lips.

He smiles with relief and puts his forehead to yours. You close your eyes. "Now will you tell me why you are crying?" His thumbs circle soothingly over your cheeks.

"I saw you with that fan." You answer in a brittle voice. "You mean the woman?" You nod slightly, not wanting to break physical contact with Will. "What about her?" He asks you.

You exhale audibly. Tears form again. "She wanted something from you. And you looked so happy. I got jealous." You say through your tears.

Will's heart bursts again. Not only because you are crying, but also because you think he wants something from another woman. But you are his everything.

"Don't cry again." He says and wraps his arms around you. "I don't care about other women. I only want you." He murmurs into your hair. "You are the only woman I love."

You sob a few more times. "Thank you, Will. That means a lot to me." You break away from him and look him in the eye.

"You are also the only man I love." Will smiles. "I hope so." His remark makes you laugh.

Relieved, he brushes a strand of hair behind your ear. "I like you better like this."

You are embarrassed to have cried over some woman and bury your face against his chest.

Will's body vibrates as he laughs. "Oh, honey. Don't be afraid I'm going to leave you. Women may like my demonic noises, but I'm glad that I convinced you with it." You lift your head and lightly slap his arm.

"Isn't it? You couldn't resist them either. Otherwise you wouldn't be here now." He grins at you.

You make a thoughtful face. "And maybe that's not because you're such a sweet, funny guy?"

"I don't think so. Like I said, no woman can resist the demon sounds." Will leans in and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips. "But thank you for the compliment."

Will breaks away from you. "Are you okay?" "Yeah." He wipes your cheeks again to wipe away the last tears and then takes your hand in his.

"Shall we go to the hotel now?" He asks you. You nod and together you make your way to a car that takes you to the hotel.

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