"Oh, good there's a pickup game tomorrow you should come with,"

"Bet, I'll be there"

For the rest of the day, they asked about his life and listened intently as he shared his story and they also spoke about the wedding. In the evening they decided it would be a good idea to go out for dinner that way they could also show Zac around town and take him to their favourite restaurant.

All the way to the restaurant James and Zac were talking, they had become quick friends and Fatima was beaming watching them. They enjoyed a meal at the restaurant talking and laughing sharing memories from Fatima's childhood, the food was good and the conversation was easy and after dinner, Zac insists on paying for their meal.

Back at the house after they have said their goodnights Zac and Fatima were in their room.

"Stop looking at me like you want me to fuck you," he says looking at her

"Oh but I want you to," she says biting her bottom lip

"Fatima don't play with me. I will fuck the shit out of you and I don't care that we are at your parents house,"

"I'm not playing,"

The next morning Zac and James head out to go play pickup ball and Fatima wakes up a little later and joins her mother in the kitchen.

"It's that good huh?" her mom asks with a raised eyebrow and knowing smile

"What do you mean?" Fatima asks confused

"Thin walls baby and you were loud,"

"Oh gah, I didn't, um, we..." she tries to find the right words mortified

"Yea I don't know if I should congratulate you or be disgusted,"

"I am so sorry," Fatima says covering her face

"It's alright, how else am I going to get grand babies," Susan said laughing

Meanwhile, Zac and James were swindling people out of their money at the rec centre. They made a great team and people couldn't defend against their pick and roll since James was a good shooter and Zac was a great finisher at the rim. When they weren't playing together James was taking videos of Zac playing and sharing them on his social media.

On their way back to the house James gave Zac a quick tour of downtown Philly. When they got back to the house the girls weren't there.

"Ay, Mr Wilson do you know any good barbers around here? I need to get a shape up,"

"Oh, don't be silly let me get my clippers and I'll do it,"

And that is how Fatima found her dad and fiancé when she got back. Zac was sitting in a chair with her dad cutting his hair. She could tell her dad loved Zac and she got a little emotional watching them bond. That night they had a family game night and James declared he was on Zac's team claiming they made a great team and even came up with a name for their team "Run-J-Z".

They agreed on a best-of-five games format, and the winner would get to choose the restaurant for their brunch the next day. The first game was charades, and it was a close game throughout but Zac and James with their silly antics pulled out the win.

The next game was Pictionary and with James being an architect team Run-J-Z pulled out another win much to the frustration of the women. They also started trash talking at this point with their 2-0 lead.

"You ladies better step up your game," Zac said

To which Fatima replied, "Don't worry about us, Zac. We've got this."

The third game was Articulate, and the women were so much better at the game as the guys didn't know a lot of the clues but to their surprise, the guys pulled out the win and the score was 3-0.

They played Scrabble next. The men had a solid lead, but the women were determined to catch up. Fatima played the word "anaptyxis." The men were shocked and quickly challenged the word. But Fatima, confident in her play, pulled out a dictionary and proved that "anaptyxis" was indeed a real word. The women won the round, bringing the score to 3-1.

"Oh would you look at that 3-1, that feels kinda familiar doesn't it Zac," she said referring to Zac's team blowing a 3-1 lead in the NBA finals

"Low blow baby, low blow," he said clutching his chest

The final game was a rousing game of Monopoly. Both teams were equally matched, and the game lasted for hours. They laughed, they cheered, they groaned, and they cheered some more. In the end, the women pulled off a stunning victory, much to the men's surprise. The final score was 3-2 in favour of the men, but the women were happy with their win. After their win, Run-J-Z did their handshake and Fatima and Susan found the whole thing endearing.

As the weekend came to a close, Zac was overwhelmed with emotions he hadn't expected the warmth and affection he received from Fatima's parents, he felt loved and accepted. When they were leaving James had given him a big hug and asked him to refer to him as dad going forward.

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