Are you okay?....

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Y/n pov

'I feel bad for blowing up on striker like that but I mean I'm tired and now I'm stuck with him!? Ha what a joke'

'But what if he didn't mean it? What ever I'm to tired, I then jumped in the bed
And fell asleep Ill talk to him tomorrow'


I woke up at 5 am it's better to get up early in case there's work to do 'wait' I thought 'I'm not at home, im at Millie's house...'I decided to go back to sleep until I heard sniffling 'huh' I poked my head out of the room to listen where it came from

It was coming from the room in front of mine...Is striker crying? I open the door to see him on the ground "striker?" The sniffing stopped and it stayed silent for awhile "what do ya need y/n"

"Nothing I just came in here because I heard sniffling" "oh well I don't hear anything so you can go back to bed" he then put the blanket over his head I sighed "striker have you been crying?" "N-NO I NEVER CRY IM A MAN"

I walk over to him and sat on the edge of his bed while my tail grabbed the blanket that covers him only to see him with puffy pink eyes and snot coming out of his nose "striker did.. I make you cry?.." "no..." he looked away from me "I did didn't I striker I'm so sorry I hurt you it's just... I'm not really... good at showing other Demons any emotions besides being cold hearted towards them, but with that blood moon ball thing it's confusing I don't know what to do....I've been like this since childhood.....but this isn't about me so I'm sorry striker and I hope that you'll forgive me but if you need time and space then ok I'll give you that but please don't cry because I hurt you..."

I then got up and was heading to the door until I felt something wrap around my waist "Do you really mean it...are you sorry" he then pulled me down onto his bed and hugged me "yes striker I mean it I'm deeply sorry for what I said" I then felt tears on my shoulder I hugged him back "shh it's ok striker I'm here" I then waited for him to fall asleep eventually he did

I laid him down on the bed and put the blanket over him 'he looks so cute when he doesn't act like a dick- WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING HE ISNT CUTE AHH' I then walked out of the room closing the door behind me the heat on my face cooled down until "so you and striker fucking or something" i jumped to see blitz with a mug in his hand saying #1 bitch but it was crossed out to say #1 boss the heat on my

Face came back "NO I WAS- HE- WE ARENT- WHY ARE YOU AWAKE!?" I say blushing not because blitz asked if we were fucking 'even though I wish we were-WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME' (y'all know you want to you horny bastards that's why your reading this🫵👁️👄👁️) "Look I don't care what nasty shit you and yee FUCKEN ha do just keep the noise down alright"

"We didn't even-" "shh sh sh shhhhhhhhh Little sister" "I'm older than you-" "SHHH SH SH SHHHH go to sleep goodnight" "goodnight blitz" "night Y/n" i walked over to my room and opened the door and walked in and closed it behind me i then flopped back onto my bed "what a night day? Don't know don't care" i then fell asleep

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