I can't think of a title...

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Standing beside the 'Dork' Haven's locker, I patiently waited for him to arrive. You remember when I mentioned about the asking him why he was hiding this cool persona of his? Well.. I'm going to ask him today.

I haven't had enough sleep because of too much wondering about it. I mean, if I were Haven why would I not want to be part of the popular? It just doesn't make sense. I'm pretty sure everyone's wants to be respected and looked up to right? Haven isn't all the bad looking either, heck, I would even dare say that he is handsome when he is on his bad boy mood. But when he's on his Dorky mode, he's cute.

Finally, after 12 minutes and 21 seconds the majesty arrives with Johny of course. Crossing my arms and raising my perfectly trimmed eyebrows, I looked at him questioningly.

"Hey, Astrid?" Johny asked confused and looked over to Haven probably searching for an answer.

Haven cleared his throat and looked at Johny. As if they were having a eye contact conversation, Haven nodded and Johny left but not after sparing me a glance.

"Hi." Haven greeted, slightly waving at me. He was blushing. Where was the confident Haven yesterday?

"Uh..." I blinked. Wow. Does he have like a split personality? I thought that he'd finally open up to me or something knowing as I know his secret already and doesn't have to hide anything more? "Hey?"

"So, what are you doing..Here?" He asked, seemingly also confused. "I-I mean, there's nothing wrong with it, I was just wondering wh-what you're doing there, standing because y-you never stand there before and it just makes me wanna ask you what you're standing there for, but I don't mean that you shouldn't do that I'm just curious as to what it is that you-"

I let out a laugh as I find it adorable how he started to blabber and trip on his own words. He let out a nervous chuckle.

"Yesterday," I trailed

His eyes widened. "Don't tell anyone about yesterday. No one knows except for you and Johny."

I internally made a smirk, "How about we make a deal?" I asked. This would definitely be a good chance for me to get to know Haven better. I wouldn't let chances like this slip!

He groaned, "Fire at it!"

"I come with you, everyday, to that cool place!'' I said with a grin and probably twinkling eyes.

Haven pursed his lips as if thinking deeply about it, but guys who are we kidding here? We all know hell say yes!


Oh...... Awkward?

Okay, well, maybe I got a little too confident.

"Why not?" I asked in disbelief

"Because I don't want to?" He retorted back as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Every 4 days."

I frowned at that. 4 days? But I wanna go to that place. "Every other day and we have a deal."

"3 days, last call." He looked at me in a business like way. He should look like that more often. I thought to my self.

"Nope. 2 days." I argued stubbornly, "If you don't agree then say bye bye to your nerdy persona, Hot Nerd." I smirked

He pursed his lips once more. His lips forming into a thin line as he thought about it very carefully. If I were him it won't be that bad of a deal. He gets to hang out with other people, you know, from school and not just with Johny.

"Okay, deal." Said him, his nose wrinkling cutely, "And don't call me that."

"Call you what?"

Shy or Bad boy ([Hiccstrid])Where stories live. Discover now