Richie gazed at the hand print-shaped bruise that enclosed Eddie's upper arm frowning softly as he made eye contact with the honey-haired boy, "I didn't wanna take the placebos anymore, blew up in her face so she dragged me to my room threw me on the bed" Eddie paused as Richie brought up a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol "She asked if I was trying to leave her like dad, " Eddie winced as the cotton swab reached his cheek with a slash from his mother's ring after slapping him no doubt.

Richie thought as he continued to lay marvel bandaids on the shorter boy's face carefully. "What a bitch-OW" Richies statement was reacted to by a sharp pinch.

"She is still my mom" Eddie glared at the raven-haired boy before him.

"Doesn't mean she isn't a bitch" Richie scoffed.

"Shut up Richie" Eddie mumbled annoyed at the boy's insistence on insulting his mother.

"I'm serious Eds it's fucking pathetic how much of a lost puppy you are for her, she doesn't love you get over it." Richie looked into Eddie's eyes which were focused his eyebrow tugged together.

"I'm not a fucking puppy," Eddie said through his teeth. Richie realized how harsh the sentence may have sounded but it's how he feels Eddie shouldn't live with Sonia he should live with Richie outside Derry no evil sewer clowns to think about.

"I'm sorry Eds I just-fuck forget I said anything sorry" Richie pulled away standing up quickly and patting Eddie on the head. "Alright Dr. Big dick has done all he can poor boy thank you for being so patient now what treat would you like for being so cute" Richie pinched Eddie's cheek.

"Your mom" Eddie stared up at Richie grinning smugly.

"Fine. Mom!" Richie cupped his mouth shouting out for his mother "Eds said he wanted-" Richies teasing was interrupted by Eddie jumping up to cover Richie's mouth wrestling him to shove him against a wall laughing and quickly telling the boy off "I'm gonna kill you if you don't shut up like now" Eddie let out in-between laughter spurred on by Richie's contagious one.

Richie inhaled a sharp breath, "Eds," was all he could find the courage to mutter. Eddie stared up searching Richies face for anything a sign that he understood Eddie in this moment.

Richie leaned in grabbing Eddie's hips and pulling his body close to his, both chests flush against each other they both stared into each other's eyes a level of uncertainty of if they should be doing this at all. Before the thought could consume Richie's mind he pulled Eddie in both boys' lips clashing together.

Eddie's body melted into Richies touch his hands flying to meet the other's raven locks wrapping his arms around Richie's neck and tippy-toeing to lean further into the kiss. Richie smiled into the kiss pulling a hand off Eddie's hips to move to the side of his head. Richie pulled away reluctantly looking down into Eddie's eyes.

"Ed's-" Richie was interrupted by Eddie pushing him off harshly.

"Fuck, Richie oh god what's wrong with us my mom's gonna-fuck." Eddie had tears welling in his eyes. He wiped them away quickly sitting on the toilet lid and pulling his knees to his chest sobbing into them.

Richie rushed over to hold Eddie. "Shh hey honey it's alright it's okay we can forget this happened, Eddie I'm so sorry I shouldn't have kissed you not without your permission baby you're okay," Richie attempted to soothe the boy running his hand up and down Eddies back. Eddie sobbed into Richie's shoulder shaking his head.

Eddie held onto Richie tighter. "Eddie, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you ill protect you with my life," Eddie pushed Richie off shaking his head.

"Richie, we're sick," Eddie paced around the small bathroom shaking off tears

Richie shook his head cold sharp melancholy freezing his warm face as he smiled sadly letting out a little chuckle along with whispered words "I'm not sick I'm Richie". Eddie shook his head tearfully.

"Rich I want you so fucking bad but that's why I can't have you," Eddie grabbed Richie's hands pulling them to his chest bringing Richie's eyes to meet his own, "Richie look at me, look at my life if my mom is willing to do all this to someone she at least deals with imagine the things she'll do to a boy she hates and I love,"

Eddie shakes his head dropping Richie's hand and looking down shamefully, "I can't risk you, I won't make you do that for me,". Richie put Eddie's chin in between his index and thumb pulling his face up into a soft kiss, "I'm willing to make that risk Eddie, I'd fight the sun and moon for you, hell I fought an evil sewer clown, what's a sad old woman gonna do?" Richie chuckled

Eddie's lips formed a smile as he nodded slightly, "Yeah, sure Rich whatever tickles your pickle,"Richie's smile grew to grin as he wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist.

"Oh Eddie baby I won't disappoint I'll be the best boyfriend in the history of boyfriends!" Richie spun the two around as best as he could in the confines of the small bathroom.

Eddie shrieked out of laughter, "Richie put me down I have to take a bath". Richie shook his head wildly before abruptly stopping an evil grin growing on his face.

"Sure I can put you down," Richie rearranged Eddie to where he was holding him honeymoon style and walked to the bathtub. Eddie was confused before flailing wildly.

"No! No! Rich I'm still in my shorts! Put me down!" Eddie fought away from Richies hold.

Two boys, two hearts, two lives never the same.

A/N-I'm so sorry this took forever to come out but school is ceased for two months so hopefully I can get out a new chapter soon I hope this was at least somewhat worth the wait I know the romance was a bit much for the first chapter but it's all proper planning

til death do us part//ReddieWhere stories live. Discover now