The Battle of Sokovia Part 2

Start from the beginning

"This is not so bad," he says and I just laugh at him.

"Let's load them up," Steve tells us. We all run to the shops, starting to get the civilians out and onto the lifeboats.

"Sir, we have multiple bogies converging on our starboard flank," Maria tells Fury.

"Show 'em what we got," Fury tells her.

"You're up," Maria says into comms. I see Rhodey rush in and start shootings at all of the robots. Fuck, yeah!

"Yes!" I hear him say, clearly excited to be in the battle. "Now this is gonna be a good story." I laugh at his childishness. He's still upset that none of us found his story amusing.

"Yup," Tony tells him. "If you live to tell it." I use my force field to shield some of the civilians from the robots.

"You think I can't hold my own?" Rhodey asks him.

"We get through this, I'll hold your own," Tony says. That's disgusting.

"You had to make it weird," Rhodey says.

"Will both of you shut up and just kick some robot ass?" I ask them.

"Yeah, yeah, on it, little Barton," Tony says.

"I got about fifty to a hundred more coming in after this group," Steve tells one of the medics. I try to guide people to the best of my ability, but I can only do so much. Pietro comes over to me and picks me up. He tells me his plan to kill more robots faster and I nod in approval. He speeds us through the city as I use my powers to tear them apart.

"You think you're saving anyone," Ultron asks. "I turn that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead. Even you can't stop that." Fucking Asshole.

"I am Thor, son of Odin," Thor says. "And as long as there is life in my breast...I am running out of things to say! Are you ready?" I assume something happened to Ultron and now he's probably pissed off too.

"It's terribly well-balanced," Vision tells Thor.

"Well, if there's too much weight you lose power on the swing, so..." Thor says. I spot a little boy crying, standing in the middle of a crowd. I go up to him and kneel in front of him.

"Hey, buddy," I say. "What's wrong?"

"I can't find my mommy," he wails.

"It's ok," I assure him. "I'll help you find her." I pick up the boy and run over to Pietro. "Can you rush around and find this little boy's mom?" I hand him the small child. "Thanks, bye." I rush off without giving him a chance to respond, but I know that he will make the boy his priority.

"I got it," Tony says. "Create a heat seal. I could... I could supercharge the spire from below."

"Running numbers," Friday responds. "A heat seal could work with enough power."

"Thor, I got a plan," Tony says. Fantastic.

"We're out of time," Thor says. Not fantastic. "They're coming for the core." Shit. Pietro speeds over to me after he helped the little boy.

"Let's go, princessa," he says as he picks me up. We speed off towards the very damaged church.

"Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier," Tony says.

"On it," Rhodey replies.

"Avengers, time to work for a living," Tony tells us.

"You think we don't already do that?" I ask as Pietro sets me down inside of the church. We start fighting all of the robots trying to get to the core. They can't touch it or we will all go bye-bye. And I can't let that happen. Eventually, Wanda and Dad arrive at the church. Pietro speeds over to her.

~The Barton And The Maximoff~ Pietro Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now