"I'm...I'm sorry, Demi, I didn't realize it as you." Maya waved her hands near her face in an attempt to bring her body heat down.

"Are you okay?" Maya nodded quickly.

"Yeah, um, could you do me a favor?" Demetri nodded as soon as the words left her lips.

"Don't tell Miguel about this, he'll overthink it, I just get like this sometimes." Demetri nodded slowly, Maya stood and walked away. She reached for her backpack and pulled out her phone, calling Robby. She hoped she wasn't interrupting his karate practice.

"Maya, what's up?" Maya knew he was smiling on the other side.

"He's here."

"Who?" Robby asked, hearing fear laced within Maya's voice.

"Isaac." Maya whimpered, Robby heard her trying to hold back her cries.

"I can come get you." Robby was always ready to drop everything for Maya.

"No, we're practicing at Miyagi Do and it'll cause a whole thing if you come here." Maya chewed on her nails.

"I don't wanna just leave you there with that fucking disgusting asshole." Maya chuckled a bit, Robby really did care about her.

"I'll stick close to Miguel, I'll call you if anything happens, okay?" Maya heard a defeated sigh come from Robby.

"Okay," Maya told him goodbye and hung up, continuing practice but sticking to Miguel like glue.


Maya sat at the table with Johnny, Ya-Ya, her mom, and Miguel. Johnny had a nice dinner all planned out for them and Maya wanted to enjoy it but she simply couldn't. She'd been doing good, with no nightmares or flashbacks anymore, but now it was like she started all over again.

"Maya, did you enjoy karate today?" Maya shrugged, gulping.

"Yeah, I guess." She muttered.

"I bet you enjoy one-on-one sparring with that old boyfriend of yours," Ya-Ya said in Spanish, laughing. Maya felt a heat rise to her cheeks.

"You're not back with that boy are you?" Carmen asked quickly, he smashed Maya's poor heart into pieces and Carmen wanted to protect her from that ever happening again.

"He has a name, Mama," Maya muttered.

"Who, Hawk?" Johnny asked, Carmen, nodded.

"No, she has someone else in mind." Miguel smiled, shoving Maya a bit. Usually, she wouldn't have minded it, she would've done it back, but she felt on edge. She didn't want to be touched, she felt like picking at her skin again.

"What's his name?" Carmen asked, taking a bite of food.

"I don't have anyone in mind, Mama." Maya lied, and Miguel, scoffed.

"Then why'd you go on a date literally yesterday?" Maya clenched her jaw.

Why can't you just mind your own business, Miguel?! You would be pissed to know I'm going on dates with Robby! Why do you feel like you can always tell my business?!

Maya bit her tongue.

"Did it not work out?" Carmen asked, Johnny, felt a bit uneasy. He felt there was a chance she could be going out with Robby.

"Yeah." Maya picked at her food, she hadn't eaten anything at all, and Carmen felt like something was off with her.

"Maya, you okay kid?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, I'm great," Maya said sarcastically, she just wanted to shower. The feeling of being dirty slowly crept up her skin, and her mind kept telling her she needed to shower.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃, Eli MoskowitzHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin