Once I got out I did my hair and a little bit of make up

I was just in my own little world listening to music when i peep jay from the corner of my mirror looking at me

Y/n-yo why you staring at me like that?

Jay- cause I like watching you get ready it's so entertaining and you're so pretty

Y/n-I know I am

I smiled and he smiled back

Jay- you almost ready ma? The members are already on the block

I just let him call me ma now cause he won't stop and it's actually not that bad of a nickname

It also be having my stomach tossing and turning but he ain't gotta know that tho

Y/n- yeah I'm ready now we can leave

I said as I turned off my music and got my keys

We got to the block and there where mad heads, every oy nigga I could think about was on the block

Roscoe- I heard y'all asses we're officially together now

Roscoe said hitting jays arm playfully

Jay- yeah she's my lil shawty

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in

Jstar than walked up to us

Jstar- your brothers are coming for an hour before they going back to jersey

Y/n- ok

An hour has passed of us hanging on the block. We was smoking, eating, playing dice and everything

My brothers came and we had a big conversation about them leaving and they would be back and stuff which ruined my mood cause they left right after

Jay- you good?

Jay turned my head into his direction

We were sitting down smoking wit Dudeylo,  notti, dotty, keem, and edot

Y/n- yeah, im just gonna miss my brothers

I passed edot the blunt and laid my head on jay

Dudeylo- yoooo wassup boogz?

I shot my head up so fast seeing boogz and Brooklyn together.

I looked at jay then looked back at them

They made eye contact with us  both giving us   dirty looks

Jay- don't even pay them no mind

He whispered in my ear

The blunt finally made its rotation back to me

I took a pull then passed it on, Brooklyn and boogz now joining it

Brooklyn was still staring at me and jay

The bet ~jayklickin Where stories live. Discover now