Q: How Difficult Can It be?

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-----------------CHAPTER PUBLISHED: 6TH FEBRUARY 2023----------------

There's something burning. You leap out of your chair and run to the piece of damaged equipment, slowly taking it apart to find out what was making it do such a thing. It's a piece for your new prototype, you've accidentally mixed the wrong glues together to make it stick.

"Shit." You curse, scraping off the excess glue and cleaning off the equipment in the sink. You're going to UA tomorrow and you can't even get a prototype to stop itself from blowing up. What will it be like once you actually get commissions from the hero students? If they see all of this, they'll go to someone else.

You hear a knock on your door as you mix a new glue together, "Y/n! Dinner!" Your mother shouts. You roll your eyes and lean back on your chair, hoping your voice will carry, "Can I have it in here, I'm busy!" You half ask, half order.

She walks in, a plate of california rolls and a pot of soy sauce in hand, "You have to clean this up before you go to sleep." She informs you as she places your food on the table. You nod and accept her kiss on the cheek before leaving to the bathroom as she leaves.

As you're washing your hands, you think more about UA. Your mother and father had met there, your mother being on the Hero Course and your father on the Support Course. Maybe you'd be able to meet someone in that circumstance.

Or not. Relationships got in the way of inventing anyway.

You dry your hands and go back to your work station, prying open another pot of glue. Since this is a prototype, you can glue it together without much hassle but you don't yet have a way of easily obtaining metal glue unless you get it at UA while creating equipment for the heroes in training there.

The people who you're inventing for are in third year anyway, the same as you. If you get on good enough terms with them, you can maybe get recruited for their agencies.

Your father works for the government, mainly creating equipment for the top pro heroes. On the other hand, your mother works closely in unison with big names such as Endeavour, All Might and Hawks.

Or at least, she used to work with All Might before he fell down the charts and retired from hero work. She'd even fought in the major wars a couple years ago, you had to evacuate to the north of Japan while that occurred.

Your father has a great quirk for inventing. He can connect any materials together, he doesn't even need metal glue. Your mother can create black coloured flames, which are harder to put out than any normal flame and have mysterious characteristics to them.

You don't have a quirk. Unfortunately, you're part of the 20% of the population who hasn't been bestowed the torch to light the fires of people's hearts in the future. And so you invent things. You invent things for the people who can save people with a winning smile.

That's your motivation. Because if you can make a piece of equipment or a weapon for a hero in training and move onto their agency, that's more than enough for you.

And with that mindset implemented in your thoughts, you finish the prototype for your mother's hero costume.

You forgot to clean up yesterday. That's your first thought as you wake up, a piece of paper attached to your cheek. Did you really fall asleep while completing the prototype?

You pick up the piece of paper and almost toss it away before you notice a certain recognisable handwriting etched onto it, 'We have to leave early for work, have a great first day and remember to clean up after yourself! - Mother.' You laugh at the formality of her name at the end and check the clock; 7:34. Plenty of time to finish this.

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