How Do You Know My Name?!

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/About 5 or 6 years have passed since the last time you saw Percival running away through the snow. The Briarwoods took you and Cassandra in after finding you almost dead in the snow and punished the guards who shot you with an arrow.

They saved you.

They say they found you lying helpless, all alone.

The Briarwoods never mentioned anything about Percival to you, despite talking about him in private. They say he's a nobody and you shouldn't worry about his existence. They're always right so who are you to question them?

You are now their assassin for when they don't want to get their clothes dirty. You bear a scythe which was crafted by the finest blacksmiths.

They trained you to be the best warrior you could be. Your training allowed you to become the best scythe wielder in all the land.\

I bow before my rescuers after slotting my scythe onto my back and brushing off my protective gear.

"Hello,(y/n), dear. We have a new job for you to do~" Lady Briarwood greeted me.

"Anything you wish, Lady Briarwood," I reply coldly, just the way she likes it.

"We've heard rumours of a familiar boy who's back in town, Percival, we need you to get rid of him and his team; Vox Machina," She stated.

"Okay, we know they're on their way to the lockup where Vedmire and Stonefell are currently. You have one instruction; bring me the head of Percival De Rolo." She demanded heartlessly.

I bow one last time and exit the throne room in a fast-paced walk, spotting Cassandraon my way with some horrified expression on her face. However, I do not care about Lady Cassandra at this moment...


I arrive at the old lockup where they keep the rebels and reach for my scythe as I hear an unnecessary amount of noise coming from the inside.

As soon as I enter, I see pools of blood dripping down the stairs and smirk a little bit.

I should come here more often.

My footing is placed carefully as I walk up the cold stone stairs to not draw attention to myself.

The clatter of metal drew closer and as soon as I get to the top of the stairs, I hide behind a wall just in time for the clammer to stop and a multitude of bodies to run down the stairs where I stood just a few moments ago.

I'm about to follow them before I spot movement from further up the aisle.

Kerrion Stonefell, the captain of the guard for the Briarwoods, stood in front of a tall figure in a long, dark coat with some sort of mask.

I can't tell from here, I must get closer.

I swiftly hide in an open cell further down the corridor and poke my head out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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